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"Guys, I really think we should just break the door." Shelbi comments watching as the pair try to break into Mary Ann's room.

"I don't want to buy a new door." Alyson grumbles, flipping through the storybook to find more clues.

"Try moose, bear, and pelican." Shelbi guesses as Tyler starts putting in the code. The door unlocks, the twins turn to look at Shelbi.

"How do you think I passed High School, I'm not smart I just guess." Shelbi laughs, walking past them to get into the room.

"I expected this to feel more like a win." Alyson comments, the three looking around the room.

"Speak for yourself! I solved it!" Shelbi replies.

"And she's not going to let us forget that." Tyler jokes, looking around the room. They search the room, Tyler stops at the desk, opening the drawer to see his diary. "It's here! I fucking knew it!"

"Do you think she read it?" Shelbi asks, watching as he flipped through the diary.

"Of course she was noisy as hell!" Tyler grumbles. Alyson spots something, a blue book, and a pamphlet. In huge letters, the book reads RAISING YOUR TRANSGENDER CHILD. The pamphlet is to some Virtue Seekers Youth Camp. Alyson takes a seat on the bed in shock.

"Tyler." Alyson holds up them, grabbing the attention of both Tyler and Shelbi. Shelbi's eyes widen. "Well, shit." She whispers her eyes traveling to Tyler.

"What, what is this?!" Tyler stammers walking to Alyson, he grabs the book, taking a seat on the bed.

"How does this make any sense, she attacked me because I cut my hair."

"I don't know, we can't overthink this." Alyson replies, the twins hug each other.

"I-I need a moment." Tyler stutters, breaking up the hug, he stands up. Walking out of the room. Alyson and Shelbi share a look, one of uncertainty.


"Are you sure?" Young Alyson asks, holding up the pair of scissors. Young Tyler nods. "Do it." She begins to cut his hair, chopping out clumps.

"It's looking great!" Young Shelbi cheers watching Tyler with a smile. Not long after that, the haircut is finished.

"It-It looks amazing!" Young Alyson comments putting down the scissors. Tyler turns to Alyson with a smile. "Really?" reaching up to feel his hair

"I can't wait to show mom, she's been really sad lately." Tyler remarks. "More than sad, she's been scary." Alyson yawns, reaching to rub her eyes tiredly.

"Yeah! But not tonight though! It was almost like a party!" Young Shelbi giggles out, remembering all the fun things they did together.

"Thank you, Alyson." Tyler cheers, reaching out to hug his sister. "You don't have to thank me, Your my sister."

"I feel more like your brother."

"Brother, Sister, we look out for each other. But I'm pretty sure I just gave you a bad haircut." Alyson laughs. A little while later Tyler stands on the steps, Shelbi is tiredly clutching his hand. As much as Tyler wanted Shelbi to stay in bed she wanted to come with him.

"Mom! Mooomm!" Young Tyler shouts, the pair walk down the steps.

"I think she's in the barn." Young Shelbi announces, Tyler looks out the window, the light is on so she probably is. The pair walk outside, the rain pours down. The barn door is wide open as they walk towards it. Mary Ann is mumbling incoherently.

"Mom?" Mary Ann turns, looking at the pair. She has a gun. "O-Ollie." Shelbi clutches his hand.

"No, no, no! This isn't right." Tyler and Shelbi take off running.

"No, come back!"

-End Memory-

Shelbi sighs, laying on the bottom bunk bed, closing her eyes. She didn't get any sleep last night, Cole needed her, she went back and forth between her house and his. Not long after closing her eyes, she fell asleep.


"little bird, time to get up." Shelbi's eyes open, quickly getting up to only hit her forehead on the top bunk.

"Shit!" Shelbi winces, holding her head in pain.

"Oh fuck! Are you okay?!" Tyler gently pushes Shelbi's hand out of the way, trying to see if she was injured. The cold of his hand made the pain slightly ease.

"Shit! It's bleeding, here get up." Tyler helps the girl get out of the bunk. Helping her downstairs and into the bathroom. She takes a seat on the lid covered toilet as he searches the cabinets of the first aid kit. Getting out the tin box, opening it to grab an alcohol wipe. He cleans the cut.

"I'm sorry." Tyler whispers as Shelbi winces as the sting of the wipe hits her.

"It's okay, I'm just stupid. Besides I have had worse" Shelbi laughs, as Tyler puts on a bandaid on her cut. He kisses her bandaid covered injury. Something Cole never does, mainly because he purposely causes them.

" You're not stupid, I scared you, it's a natural reaction." Tyler says, reaching down to help her up. She's in his arms, Tyler is staring down at her. They both move closer to each other, Tyler cups her face with his hands, leaning down to her height.

"Tyler! Shelbi! Let's go!" Alyson's voice shouts through the house, making the pair break up from each other's embrace. Shelbi blushes, looking down. Was she seriously about to kiss Tyler?! Seriously about to cheat on Cole?!

"We will be right out!" Tyler shouts back, turning to close the first aid kit and placing it back in the cabinet. Shelbi walks out of the bathroom, Tyler following. Alyson stands by the front door her face is showing a smug smile.

"Okay you two lovebirds, let's go!" Alyson exclaims, ignoring the looks they sent her.

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