CH 51. Psychic Bonding

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A/N: So for those of you that don't know I post this story to AO3 as well, with I kind of prefer because It allows me to post little summaries before the story. It's little but it makes me happy lol. Let me know if you would like more of these or if you'd want me to post the summery on here as well? You guys know I love talking to you in the comments! Also, as things begin to heat up, just know I gave a warning in the story description so if you're uncomfortable I apologize, but I'm going to write it anyway 😘Anyway, here are the songs I listed to that inspired this chapter when writers bloke almost kept me from posting.

TRRST - IC3PEAK, ZillaKami

With or Without you (Remastered) - U2

Final letter - Deborah Lurie

~Elodie's POV~

          I arrived at my Divinations class a bit earlier than usual. Now that I was back to sleeping in my own bed I didn't have to worry as much about waking the entire room on mornings that I couldn't sleep. Which tended to be most nights now that I had grown used to Fred's light snores. It was actually quite soothing, similar to falling asleep to the sound of rain. He was rather dramatic last night when I went to sleep in my own bed, going on and on about how there were too many steps between us. I did like it though.

          "Come in my dear!" I heard from the other side of the door.

          I opened it and proceeded inside. "Good morning Professor Trelawney. I wondered if I could have a quick word before class?" I asked her.

          "Yes? How have those visions of yours been coming along? Still spotty I see," She said as she rummaged through one of her shelves.

          "A bit, is there something I should be doing?" I asked her.

          "Take this," She said and handed me a jar of the familiar tea leaves she'd given me before that I hated. "Once in the morning, we'll see what's clouding that inner eye of yours," She told me. "Remember, books can only take you so far."

          People began filing in and taking their seats. Just as I had been the last two years, I was stuck at a table with Draco. He and his friends had remained silent since I told off Pansy in the library. After Potions one day Adrian told me they were all properly scared of me, which I didn't mind as much as I thought I would. Umbridge walked in, perky and pink as ever, quickly causing the noise level in the room to drop dramatically which seemed to make Professor Trelawney uneasy.

          She finished passing out dream oracles and began distribution textbooks. As Umbridge made herself comfortable, I noticed that Professor Trelawney's hands had a slight tremble to them, as if she were nervous.

          "We shall be continuing our study of prophetic dreams today," she said in her usual nervous tone of voice. "In your pairs, interpret each other's latest nighttime visions with the aid of the Oracle." She said.

          I looked to Draco who had snatched my journal from in front of me as he flipped through the pages.

          "Is this the part where you pick apart my dreams?" He asked me in a snide voice.

          "That's the assignment," I said as I opened my text after finding the last entry Draco had made to his journal. "Do you really dream of being an Alchemist?" I asked him a bit surprised.

          "Is it so hard to believe I have interest outside of these classrooms?" Again, with the attitude. "Did you really name your cat, Cat?" He said, he must have come across an entry from about a week ago, about when I had a dream that Cat was actually a Kneazle who grew in size when I'd gotten into the fight with Ginny and Angelina and scratched both of their faces in one swift motion.

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