Sk8ter Couple ~ Troy Zarba

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This was kindly requested by -CANDYCANES- I love you babes!!

It was just another normal day for the couple. Who you may be asking? Well, that would be tiktok's most loved skating couple, Y/n  Y/L/N and Troy Zarba. They were just a couple of teenagers living their lives doing Tiktok and a hobby that they bonded over which was skating. Everyone loved how they both skated and that they always did it together. And today was no different, or so they thought.

Today was a beautiful day in L.A and Y/n and Troy decided to go skating. They drove into town a little bit but not to where they weren't allowed to skate. When they hopped out of the car they linked hands.

"So, you excited to skate?" Troy asked Y/n.

"Duh! Is that even a question? I thought you knew me better than that." She replied sarcastically.

He just chuckled and they both hopped on their skateboards. They were skating for about an hour at a park and then just started skating around town, never getting tired of the scenery. They were approaching West Hollywood and who do they see? None other than Fletcher from HollyWood Fix. They didn't mind Fletcher, they always stopped and talked to him, but sometimes his questions were a bit much.

"Hey! Y/n and Troy, the famous skating couple." Fletcher said.

"Hey Fletch." Troy replied.

"So, how are you guys?" Fletcher asked pulling out his camera.

"We're good, you know just being teenagers and living life. How are you?" Y/n asked him.

"I'm doing pretty good Y/n, thanks for asking." Fletcher replied. Y/n smiled and nodded as a you're welcome.

"So do you mind if I ask you all some questions?" Fletcher asked.

"No, not at all. We don't really have anywhere to be anyway." Troy replied.

"Alright, sweet. So, how's the relationship going? Any drama or anything?" Fletcher started off with.

"No, no drama. It's going pretty great actually. We are both very happy at the moment and it's really nice." Y/n replied with a chuckle at the question of drama.

"Yeah, I mean I couldn't ask for a better girl, and right now life is going really good." Troy added with a kiss on Y/n's head.

"Awesome! So, Troy, I've had people ask me why you decided to date Y/n. Is there a specific reason?" Fletcher asked.

"That's a dumb question. Why wouldn't I date Y/n? She literally perfect! She is the most caring, kindhearted girl I've ever met. Not to mention gorgeous! And I've known her for so long that it almost felt like we were already dating. I just didn't have the balls to ask her out for years. She makes me super happy and we are at times like the same person. They say that there is a person out there for you and I'm positive that Y/n is my person. There are obviously our ups and downs, but in the end it's the love that we have for each other that keeps us going." Troy replied while having an arm around Y/n's waist.

"That's a great answer man. I just always get asked that and decided why not give the people the answer?" Fletcher told them. "So Y/n here's a question for you, what is one thing you don't like about Troy?"

"What are these questions Fletch? Umm, I don't really know. I love pretty much all of him. Except for when he steals my food. I hate it when he does that! He knows I love my food and to never take it, but what does he do? He takes it. And sometimes I just think that he's asking for it." Y/n told Fletcher with a smile on her face.

"Funny! Alright guys, one last question and it's kind of for Troy, when are you going to pop the big question?" Fletcher asked with great hope for an answer that would satisfy the viewers.

"Whoa!" Troy laughed. "Are you trying to give away all my secrets? I thought we were friends Fletcher?" Troy turned red and just was chuckling. "Umm, I don't know honestly. I mean we're in no rush. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her and we're still young, so there's no point in rushing into that. Because especially now with the social media world it can sometimes mess relationships up and this is one I don't want to mess up. So, someday, just not right now. But I promise that I will marry this girl." Troy finished with giving Y/n a kiss.

Meanwhile Y/n's face was red from her blushing at his sweet words. She also knew that she wanted to marry him and they had talked about it before. Cause what couple doesn't? But she was happy with the answer he gave and the way he handled it because it was something that they both agreed on. That they were both still young but they knew that they would get married in the future.

"Alright, well, thanks for your time guys. I really appreciate it! Be sure to check them out on Tiktok and instagram guys!" Fletcher closed off and put his camera away.  "Thank you guys! Thanks for always answering my questions and I'll see you all next time." He said while waving and walking off.

"Bye Fletch." They both said.

"Well, that went well!" Y/n said while laughing.

"Yeah I think it did. And I meant every word that I said. Just know that." Troy said while hugging her.

"I know you did. And I mean this when I say that you are perfect and the one for me and I love you." Y/n said back.

"I love you more." Troy argued.

"I love you most." Y/n finished.

"Dang! You always win with that!" Troy laughed.

"It's the rule. That always wins!" Y/n replied.

They linked hands and skated back to their car and went back home tired and happy to be together.

Alright! So that was my first real imagine. I hope you all like it. I think it's cute and was a great idea! ;) I have a bunch more in the drafts so if you like this vote and comment and let me know. And feel free to request some ideas! Thank you all for reading!

 And feel free to request some ideas! Thank you all for reading!

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