Helen cho

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You and ultron went to the U-Gin Genetics Research Lab in Seoul, Korea waiting for Helen. She then comes in.

Ultron: Scream and your entire staff dies. I could've killed you Helen, the night we met. I didn't.

Helen: do you expect a thankyou note?

Ultron: I expect you to know why.

Helen: the cradel.

Ultron: (recoding [ this is the next thing Tony]) This is the next me.

Helen: The regeneration cradle prints tissue. It can't build a living body.

Ultron: It can you can. You lack the materials. You're a brilliant woman Helen.

You hold lokis septer and press it against helens chest.

Ultron: but we all have room to improve.

(Time skip)

Helen: it's beautiful. The vibranium atoms aren't just compatible with the tissue cells, they're binding them. And S.H.E.I.L.D wouldn't know it.

Ultron: the most versatile substance on the planet.abd they use it to make a Frisbee. Typical of humans. t
They scratch the surface and never think to look within.

The gem floated and landed in Ultrons hand he then placed it on the vision.

(Time skip)

Helen: Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream. We're uploading your cerebral matrix now.

Ultron was sitting down looking at his hand he looks sad you go over and place your hand in his he smiles and holds it messing around with yourhand.

Wanda: I can read him. He's dreaming.

Helen: I wouldn't call it dreams. It's Ultron's base consciousness. Informational noise. Soon...

Ultron kept messing with your hand squeezing it a little holding it like if he let's go you'll fade away.

Ultron: how soon? I'm not being pushy.

Helen: We're imprinting a physical brain there are no shortcuts. Even if your magic jem.

Wanda screams Ultron gets up moving you behind him knowing why she screamed and is not going to losing you.

Wanda: How could you?

Ultron: How could I what?

Wanda: You said we would destroy the Avengers.

You felt Ultrons distress you grabbed his hand again he squeezed your hand tightly after Wanda said Avengers.

Wanda: Make a better world.

Ultron: It will be better.

Wanda: When everyone is dead?

Ultron: That is not...The human race will have every opportunity to improve.

Pietro: And if they don't?

Ultron: Ask Noah.

Wanda: you are a madman.

Ultron: There were more than a dozen extinction-level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs. When the earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And believe, me he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak.

Pietro: And who decides who's weak?

Ultron: Life (chuckles) life always decides. There's incoming. The Quinjet. We have to move.

Helen: That's not a problem.

She pauses the process. Ultron shoots her and Wanda and Pietro ran away.

Ultron: Wait, guys! They'll underworld. When they see, they'll understand. I just need a little more... Time.

Ultron pulls the cord from his head grabs your hand pulling you along gently to a truck where you the cradel, sentries and Ultron are he put the cord back and holds you close playing with your hands then stopped from a thud on top of the truck.

Ultron: No, no, no, no. Leave us alone!

He shoots the door and you see cap hanging on to it. He then looks at you you then thought for a second that Ultrons the bad guy and I'm an avenger Ultron saw that and blocked your view of cap.

Ultron: stay here I'll take care of him this will only take a second.

He then kisses your forehead and goes after cap.

Ultron was on top of the truck fighting cap then you saw Natasha.

Nat: (y/n) are you you?

You slapped her across the face.

Nat: I guess thats a no.

You and her went at it for a while then the truck started to fly nat held onto something you fell out screaming.

(Ultron pov)

When will cap learn that he cannot stop me something then hit me in my side it was Pietro I was going to go after him but was stopped by Wanda.

Ultron: please don't do this.

Wanda: what Choice do we have.

I tried to shoot pietro but he got out if the way then I heard screaming i looked and saw it (y/n).

Ultron: (y/n)!

I blasted the door flew out and caught her i carried her bridal style she was passed out who did this I looked up and saw Natasha flying out with the cradel and flew up and grabbed her out. I gave her to one of my sentries while I held (y/n) close to me.


(DISCONTINUED) ultron x readerWhere stories live. Discover now