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"Dear god," you muttered under your breath

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"Dear god," you muttered under your breath.

"Here, come here."

You vaguely registered the sound of locks clicking and keys jingling in a bunch. Your body repeated the familiar motions as you stepped on the backs of your shoes to step out of them. Jongho reached down and picked up your shoes and brought them in. You crossed the threshold.

You couldn't take your eyes off the small kitten that you cuddled in your arms. It mewed pathetically and its eyes were full of fear. Its brown fur was matted and soaked through, and the small patch of white fur on its forehead stood out on edge messily. "It was just sitting there all alone... I wonder if it belongs to anyone?" You mused out loud, "Where's its mother?"

"I don't know. Wait, take it to the carpet. Watch out for the mess."

You finally glanced up at his last words and it suddenly hit you that you were in Jongho's apartment and not yours. It was a mirror reflection of yours, except instead light wood furniture, his were made of cool grey metal. A small, round dining table with two chairs was pressed up against the wall to your left, and to your right was the living room, a dimly lit skinny corridor to the bedrooms down the middle. He led you over to the plush, red carpet spread over the middle of the living area, a TV and a small couch on either side.

The kitten began clawing at your clothes, its tiny claws barely piercing your thick sweatshirt.

"What do I do?" you panicked. It mewed loudly and desperately.

"Don't worry, it's probably just cold and hungry..." Jongho eyed your damp clothes, "And wet, now."

"Ah," you grimaced, "What have I done?"

He snorted, "I said don't worry. Give it over, I got this." He scooped the kitten out of your arms and you let go of the trembling ball of fur, "I can put your clothes in the dryer, if you want. And you can wear something of mine."

"I don't want to inconvenience you..."

"Don't be silly. Bathroom's down the hall. The switch might be a bit hard to find."

You pursed your lips in thought.

"Go! Seriously, it's fine. I don't want to hear you sneezing if you catch a cold."

You sighed and your shoulders sagged in defeat. With one hand, he held the kitten close to his chest, and with the other he took your backpack from you.

When you were in the bathroom, he knocked on the door and slipped you a stack of clothes, which you put on quickly as the chill nipped at your nose. The hoodie he handed you was at least two sizes too big and the sleeves reached past the tips of your fingers, the sweatpants hung low on your hips and so you tied the string as tightly as you could.

Everything smelled like oranges and Magnolia and vanilla.


It smelled so good.

Elevator ♥ Choi JonghoWhere stories live. Discover now