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The both of you ended up studying

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The both of you ended up studying.


Just studying.

The next time you saw him was after exams in late December. By then, you were feeling pretty lousy and lonely. You were sure you had tanked at least one of your exams, and you missed your family. You missed your friends.

You missed Jongho.

You missed seeing him. You missed talking to him. You even missed his stupid gummy smile and the way it made you feel.

It was midnight, the stars in the sky were bright and you pulled your puffy coat tighter around your body as the winter chill sent shivers up your spine. Your shoulder ached from carrying your heavy backpack all the way home. The overhead lights in the elevator glowed yellow.

You were thinking about how, in a couple of minutes, you would be comfortably at home and under your fluffy duvet with Sannie curled up at your hip. You thought about all the movies you would watch on your laptop before eventually falling asleep- that is if you didn't right here, right now

You were snapped awake when a tall figure in a long coat suddenly wedged his large frame through the closing elevator doors, causing a racket and forcing the doors back open. His laughter suddenly cut off as he noticed you. His face mirrored your shocked expression as his body swayed a little. "Hi," he said simply in his deep voice.

You had never seen him in your complex before. Well, at least you had never seen anyone with a shock of curly cherry-red hair that was cropped close to his eyes, pointed nose and towering height.

"Mingi!" you heard a familiar voice call from outside, his giggles growing louder as he neared, "You can't just- Oh! Y/n!"

Jongho swept into view and his eyes lit up at the sight of you. He, too, pushed his way unceremoniously through the closing doors, resonating another bang that echoed on the quiet floor. Finally, he stumbled in and the elevator began its ascension.

Before you could respond, Jongho dashed forward and swept you up in his arms, your legs lifting off the floor and his puffer jacket cushioning your waist from his tight squeeze. You braced your hands on his shoulders as he spun you in a circle and a surprised giggle slipped past your lips. You could hear Mingi laughing by your side. When he put you down, the room was spinning.

"What's the occasion?" you asked breathlessly with a smile on your face.

"The end of exams! The end of studying! The end of school!" Jongho exclaimed, his eyes bright with excitement, and you could smell the alcohol on him. You realized how his cheeks were tinted red, and so were Mingi's.

That's right. He had asked if you minded to watch over Sannie for one night. You could see why now.

"By the way," Jongho slung an arm over your shoulders, "this is Mingi- my roommate, the one you never get to meet because he never wakes up on time." He reached over and nudged the other boy in the ribs, and almost instantly, Mingi latched himself onto Jongho with an onslaught of tickles.

Elevator ♥ Choi JonghoWhere stories live. Discover now