Day 1

30 1 1

by Ezim

~It is an honor for me to start. My chapters will be filled with a new story. A one-shot of a stalker from the medieval times, who heroically kidnaps his maid from the fangs of the unmusical nobles.~

Torin Hood

In the forests of Nothing Helps once lived the hero of the poor, Torin Hood with his loyal companions, the ever shirtless little Ryon and almost, always smiling, brother Tomo. Everyone has already heard the stories about the noble and heroic good actions of these vagabonds and their unique talent to make music together.

You have no idea who I am talking about? Don't you know Torin Hood?

Then be curious like a bow, hanging from the shoulder of this famous man, in order to prove his accuracy, at any time.

"I told you, he is lazing around as if laying on a plate and day-dreaming," Brother Tomo whispered and poked his friend next to him. The two of them were hiding in the bushes in front of the castle wall and looked a little annoyed at their leader.

"He has a lot of nerve. Only yesterday we have robbed the carriage of the princess and her men are now looking for us in the whole forest. Sooner or later they will come back and then we will be at their mercy," Little Ryon moaned anxiously and his eyes wandered nervously in all directions. Apparently he really expected an attack from the ambush.

Torin hood, on the other hand, seemed completely relaxed, lying on a large, flat rock and chewing on a grass stump. His green hat was pulled deep down his forehead, giving him a very casual look, while hiding the long blond fringes that usually covered one eye of the tall man.

"What is he doing? Why on earth doesn't he hide?" Ryon hissed impatiently.

"If you'd shut your mouth for once, you'd know the reason why." Brother Tomo pointed up to the tower. There, in a dizzying height, swallows circled around the battlements of the old building and hunted for insects to feed their young.

"Oh, ... you mean he will shoot us a dinner?" was the question Little Ryon asked, which brought the fellow a slap on the back of his head.

"No! You shouldn't think, little one. Just listen, you understand? Listen!" Insulted, the beaten man moved aside and did as he was told. He listened and recognized a soft singing. This was clearly coming from the chambers of the high society and was indeed sweet to hear. Strong but soft and sensitive, multi-faceted in all tones, whether high or low, it was simply a blessing for all senses. A while they enjoyed the music and the Pater explained: 

"He creeps around the castle walls, every free minute he has, in order to perhaps catch a glimpse of the person behind the singing, but so far he has apparently had no luck. In any case, this is not the first time he came here ...""But, but ... this is the last time," the anxious man stuttered and covered his eyes in fright.

Brother Tomo, immediately reacted, placed an arrow in to his bow and aimed at the guard who had appeared in the ledge of the wall. However, he had not yet let go, but the man in the armor was already falling into the ditch. The blond hero acted faster and even though he seemed very absent and bored with his big sleepy eyes, he saw and heard everything around him, faster and better than a fox.

Suddenly a great commotion arose and a croaky female voice was heard screaming:

"What the hell is going on here?!"

Our hero posed, lifted his hat briefly, from his head as a greeting, and implied a curtsey.

"You again?! Isn't my gold and gems enough for you?" The stout lady furiously put her hands on her unrecognizable hips and gleamed down to the polite troublemaker. "What more do you want?" She demanded to know energetically. The blond hero cleared his throat loudly and raised his deep voice.

"My very dear, beautiful princess, Joanna. I hope you know that I do not claim any of your treasures for myself. No, I don't care about coins or jewelry," he clarified her and smiled boldly. The addressed woman squinted her eyes together, seemed to think for a moment, and began to twist her long, curly hair in her fingers, shyly. She felt honored because Torin Hood was a really, really handsome young, strong man ... But then her eyes darkened again and her face turned red with anger.

"You, .... You false coward, you may be able to fool anyone with your charm, but I won't let a tramp into my bed!

"Wah?! No, no, dear lady! Never in my life ... would I dare ... as a thief ... and good-for-nothing ... to enter your rooms ... never," he defended himself clumsily, but came straight to his real wish. "I only ask you for your maid," he said friendly. Disbelievingly, she shook her head.

"Which maid?," she inquired. The blond man wondered:

"Hmm, the singing one?"

"Ha! My all-around girl? No way! Maid Mori chan stays with me!" she shouted triumphantly. "Who will cook, teach and sing for me? Who patches up my guards and comforts me when cruel villains steal my treasures? Forget it! Over my dead body!" And then she called for her army and Torin had no choice but to flee. Today he had to admit defeat, but who knows the hero, surely can admit that he won't give up so easily...

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