Chapter two

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"Beechkit and Emberkit, you have both reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed.". Emberkit shuffled her paws with excitement. It was time for their apprentice ceremony!

Squirrelstar continued, turning to her she mewed the ancient words, "Emberkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Emberpaw. Your mentor will be Spotfur. I hope Spotfur will pass down all she knows on to you."

Spotfur stared up at the ThunderClan leader in shock, "Me?". Squirrelstar nodded, "Yes, you. Spotfur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Leafshade, and you have shown yourself to be compassionate and strong when you made the rebellion against the imposter. You will be the mentor of Emberpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know on to her."

Squirrelstar turned to Beechkit and continued the ceremony, "From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Beechpaw. Your mentor will be Stormcloud. I hope Stormcloud will pass down all he knows on to you. Stormcloud, you are ready to take on an apprentice. I tried my hardest to pass on my skills to you , and you have shown yourself to be kind and loyal since joining ThunderClan. You will be the mentor of Beechpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Beechpaw.".

Emberpaw touched noses with Spotfur, and she wasn't sure which one of them was more excited. She couldn't believe Spotfur was her mentor. Spotfur was the one who helped save the Clans! Her mentor was a hero! "What are we doing first? Hunting? Fighting?" she mewed happily, hopping on the spot. "Walking.", Spotfur replied, smiling at her apprentice, "Me and Stormcloud are going to show you round the territory.".

"Right, this is...Emberpaw! Where are you going?!", Spotfur yowled. Emberpaw was running like her life depended on it. "Come on, keep up! I want to see everything!".
Stormcloud rolled his eyes, "You've got your paws full with that one Spotfur.". Suddenly, Emberpaw felt the thumping of paws beside her. Beechpaw was running too and had caught up to her. "Where are we going?" he panted.
"I have no idea!" Emberpaw mewed confidently, as if there was nothing wrong with what she just said. "Race you to the first landmark we reach!"

A sharp pain shot through Emberpaw's leg. She yowled and stumbled over. Beechpaw skidded to a halt. "Are you okay?", he mewed inspecting her leg, "You're stuck in a fox trap. I'll find the stick.". Beechpaw began to search the area. He parted some ferns and saw a stick wedged in the ground. "There!" he mewed triumphantly. Beechpaw began working on the ground around the stick. Emberpaw groaned. I guess this is why apprentices aren't supposed to run off, she thought to herself, bit then again, if it's already happened to me, it can't happen again, right?.

"I've done it!" Beechpaw meowed happily, breaking through Emberpaw's thoughts. The pain on her leg eased, and she was able to yank it free from the trap. She sighed with relief. Beechpaw was wandering around, sniffing. He was probably looking for their mentors. No sooner had he gone out of sight however when...

Splash! Emberpaw burst through the bushes in front of her to water as far as the eye could see. The sunlight sparkled on the water like it was lit up by a million stars. This must be the lake, she thought in awe. "Hey!", a voice yowled below her, "Stop gawping and help me!". Beechpaw  was thrashing around in the water, gasping for air. "Okay, okay.", Emberpaw mewed, grabbing a semi-thick stick and holding it out to her brother, "Grab this.".

A lot of hauling and dragging later, Beechpaw was out of the lake and panting. "What in StarClan happened here?". Emberpaw turned around. Their mentors had caught up with them. "We're fine!" Emberpaw tried to reassure them, then realised that with her bloody leg and Beechpaw's sodden fur, they looked the opposite of fine. Spotfur rolled her eyes, "You two are the embodiment of chaos. Come on, we're going back to camp.".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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