I know you will

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I awaken barneys arms wrapped around me he really is serious about this barney wants kids I never thought I'd see the day I never thought I'd hear the words come from his mouth but here I am laying here the morning after I feel like my head is spinning what happens if he realises I'm pregnant and backs out and Calls this whole thing of. I turn around to face barney sound asleep by the looks of things I look round at the clock 6am it's far to early to awaken right now I should try to get back to sleep but I'm just restless confused slightly at the events of last night and how barney it's going to react when he awakens
I slowly slip out of his arms careful not to awaken him, I walk down the hallway into the bathroom turning on the shower I slip of my Pyjamas stepping under the hot spray of the shower I squeeze a dollop of shampoo on to my hand I start massaging it into my scalp.
I stand at the mirror in the bathroom blow drying my hair adding some moose to help style it when I hear a sudden knock at the door barney calls out "crystal you alright in there?" I turn the hair dryer off stuttering slightly "yeah I'm good I'll be a couple minutes then I'll have to pick out a outfit" barney shouts back "okay I'll make us coffee see you in a minute" I exhale deeply looking into the mirror as I hear barneys footsteps leave the door I splash my face with cold water walking out and heading straight into the bedroom, I sit on the end of the bed trying to decide what shirt to wear when barney appears at the door frame holding a cup of coffee smiling at me I look up at him smiling as he gazes down at me "what?" barney paces my coffee down on my desk "you should wear the yellow one it looks better than the orange one" barney winks at me as he walks back through to the living room I sigh as I slip on my yellow crop top with black jeans. I stand in the mirror curling my hair I hear barney in the next room making another cup of coffee for himself. Taking a deep breath I walk into the kitchen putting my mug into the dishwasher,I turn around to see barney gazing at me with a huge smile on his face I smile back walking over to join him on the couch I break the silence "don't get to over exited there is every chance I'm not pregnant" barney still smiling puts a arm round my shoulder pulling me into a hug "I know that whatever happens I will be happy for us" I pull back from the hug looking into barneys eyes still the same smile on his face "are you sure this is what you want?" Barneys face drops at this comment he holds my hands "this isn't about me it's about what we both want if anything are you sure you want this" I nod biting my lip slightly tears pricking up in my eyes "of course I want this with you I just...what if I'm not a good mother" barney moving a hair from my face looking me in the eyes smiling right back at me "your going to make the best mother I know it"

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