Chapter 21

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"I'm seeing someone." Raj's words echo in my ears throughout the week. Actually, his words have more than echoed. They are like the Midnight Baller breaking up my focus and stealing my sleep. I had my chance. I blew it. Big time. I should have been chasing Raj down with flares. I should have--gulp--acted my age.

I am not fast-forwarding to my future, I know I didn't fall head over heels in love with Raj, but I wasn't lying when we last spoke. When I look at him, I see all the things I hadn't yet discovered about him. I see all the love that was waiting for me. Is that love? Wanting to put someone else's needs above my own? I did it with Daphne but she's my daughter. With Raj, it would have been different. Scarier. But I think of his strong hands and the way my body needed his kiss, and how he showed up even though he probably wanted a solid night's sleep--who am I kidding. That sounds a lot like love. Now I have all the space and time to get over my mistake. 

In this new leaf I'm turning over, I embrace the fact that I may not know everything I thought I did about myself. I have retired Bitches Who Know Things in exchange for The Ham's positive body vibe podcast. The Best Lifts are Within You. You never know if he's talking about physically lifting the thighs and butt cheeks, but my attitude could use a makeover. Embrace where I am in life. Accept. Maybe I don't have to freak out that I have nothing figured out. Who said I needed to anyway? Isn't time just that...time? And I get to decide how to shape my future. 

Speaking of, Cami forwarded me a position announcement at the arena. A job is opening up as a director of Sport Youth Outreach. I would give up coaching to work with members of the community to fundraise money to sponsor kids and teens who can't afford skating lessons or hockey equipment and they would get to do sports they couldn't otherwise afford. I am a little nervous about not coaching, but I want to put my name on the list and see where it goes. All that hopefulness aside, I am excited for an entirely different reason.  

Tonight is THE night!

One step closer to kicking the MUFF's fluffy butts. Paul is eating up the attention his business is getting. He's been advertising, posting flyers downtown and hitting up all his followers online and even attracting the local news.

The semi-final round is to begin Sunday starting at 11 a.m. for business purposes but I think Paul is attract the lunch crowd.

The big showdown is like this.

Round 1

Mams vs. Alley Cats

MUFFs vs. the Spares

Round 2

Mams vs. the Spares

Alley Cats vs. MUFFs

Teams with the highest, combined score from both rounds go on to the final.

What I'm not expecting is, upon arriving, the nearly full parking lot and line going out the door. I get one of the last spaces and turn off my car. Lauren from the Spares is getting out of her car. "What's all this?" I say to her.

"The power of social media." She smiles and holds up her phone to take a pic. "Looks like we'll have an audience. Last year there was half the amount of people."

"Do they not have better things to do?" The question is fair. Bowling is fun, but as a spectator?

The people in line turn in our direction, their eyes growing excited. "They're hollering and whistling." I look over my shoulder to see what has held the audience hostage.

Lauren and I slowly turn and understanding dawns at once. The Alley Cats are arriving like they stepped out of a limo with their matching black boas and hot pink shirts. My gaze slides to their chests where they have photoshopped a group shot of themselves.

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