Literally The Worst Frerard Story You'll Ever Read

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Frank's POV

God. I hate moving to new schools.

Every time I've moved, I was always an easy target for bullies, but this is just ridiculous. It was only third period of the first day and I've been called a faggot by about four people. Delightful.

Okay, so I wasn't super happy with my previous school, but it was better than this dumpster. At least there were hot guys at my school. This place is all fuckboy and no emo.

Sitting in class was bad. In this one class, whenever the teacher turns to the board, some asshole throws things at my head.

At one point, I turned and flipped him off. But, of course, my teacher noticed me.

"Mr. Iero! That is incredibly inappropriate! Talk to me after class."

I groaned and turned back around. The guy behind me was snickering.

The rest of class was mostly uneventful. After, though, was an awkward conversation.

I don't like this teacher. She's old and smells like rotten tuna and her clothes are completely pink. She kind of reminds me of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. A small snicker escapes me.

"What's so funny?" She asked sternly.

I shook my head. "Nothing, it's nothing."

"Mr. Iero, if you are caught doing something out of line again, you will have to stay after school for detention. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You may go."

"Thanks ma'am."

Now I'm late for lunch. Yay.

Luckily, the halls were mostly empty. I swear to god, if I hear one more person call me a gay slut, I'm going to scream, no matter how right they are.

You know what? I'm skipping. Fuck this.

I went to the back out of the school and pulled out my pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I put one between my lips and lit it, inhaling deeply.

It was a pretty nice day outside. I almost didn't need my black hoodie. This new town had a strange electricity to it, kinda hard to describe. Smoke escaped my mouth leisurely as I looked around to make sure I was alone.

That's when I saw him walk over to me.

His hair was a fiery red that stood out against his leather jacket. It looked like the stranger was only a little older than me. He was incredibly pale and thin, but still insanely attractive. God, he was hot.

"Hey, slut face." He walked confidently and came to a stop right in front of me.

I turned my head away from him and released a puff of smoke.

He shoved my shoulder against the brick wall hard. "Don't ignore me, bitch."

"Back off,"

He smirked and plucked the cigarette from my mouth and took a pull.

He blew smoke in my face. "Make me."

I shoved him with all the force I could muster. He barely stumbled.

"Oh, you're feeling tough, huh?" He slammed me against the wall. Next thing I knew, his fist collided with my mouth. My head hit the wall. There was a ringing in my ears.

I slid down until I was on the ground. The strange redhead knelt down to me. He tipped my chin up and fake-pouted. "What a shame. You had such a pretty mouth."

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