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[There Will Be Blood]


A hand in front of the camera was counting down. A woman wearing a suit sat in a chair facing the camera.

"...Business Watch, with our own Gloria Jane."

"Thanks, Phil," Gloria said. "And now we turn our attention to agriculture, where an unlikely personality has now come on to the scene in a major way."

Gloria faced the camera, Gloria and Dick sat opposite each other and Dick faced the camera.

Gloria continued. "Richard Roman, a CEO whose company dominates the defense and aviation sectors, not to mention being a giant in the motivational-speaking world."

Dick spoke. "What can I say, Gloria? I'm a multitasker."

"Clearly. And now you've recently purchased controlling stock in Sucrocorp - among the world's leading manufacturers in high-fructose corn syrup. It's a pleasure to have you with us, Richard."

"Please. "Dick.""

"So, tell us, Dick, why the recent fascination with big foods?"

"Well, it's no secret we all love to eat, but now Sucrocorp will focus on eating well."

"Help me connect the dots. How will pumping sweeteners into our system make us healthier?"

"One word - purity. We're dialing back the additives to deliver the highest quality all-American product you people deserve. America is for go-getters, folks who get off their butts and make it happen. And we need you just as healthy as you can be. Which is why we are diving whole hog into what keeps Americans living longer... and tasting better."

"You do, of course, mean to say the food will be tasting better."

"That's exactly what I mean."

Gloria looked at the video screens with a producer. "Yeah, very good."

Dick handed his microphone to an assistant.

Susan walked up to Dick and put a briefcase on the desk in front of him before saying, "Your 11 a.m. is waiting in the conference room."

"Thank you, Susan," Dick said. "Susan... Are we still looking for a rep in mainstream media?"

"Yes, we are."

"Wunderbar. Put a replace order on Gloria there."

"And with the corpse?"

"Call Chef Fieri. I feel like barbecue."


Edgar was seated at a table opposite someone and Dick entered.

"Kevin," Dick greeted. "I'm very excited to meet you." Kevin, with his mouth taped shut and his hands tied behind his back, was seated across the table from Edgar. "You nervous? Don't be. I'm your biggest fan." He ripped the tape off Kevin's mouth. "I brought you a present." He opened his briefcase and took out the Word of God. "What's that say, Kev?"

"I don't know," Kevin replied.

"Cute. Edgar?" Edgar took out a knife and walked over to Kevin who whimpered. "Easy, Edgar. Don't scare the boy. Edgar cut the binding on Kevin's hands. "You know,I've checked, Kevin. Number one in your class, winner of the Chad Kennedy top young scientist prize - all that on top of being Keeper of the Word. You're a clever young man." He took a laptop out of his briefcase, opened it and slid it towards Kevin. "I'm confident you'll make the right choice here. But I see this is a negotiation." He took an envelope from his briefcase. "Well, I will sweeten... the pot."

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