(Little skip, as will be next week, too. I didn't really feel like doing Heaven Can't Wait and I likely won't do Rock and a Hard Place.)
[Bad Boys]
Two kids were running in the twilight, foggy night.
"Aah!" kid one, in a red sweatshirt cried.
"Hurry!" kid two, in a plaid shirt yelled. "He's right behind us."
"Come on, come on!" kid two said.
"Go, go, go - it's open!" kid one told him.
The kids ran into a barn.
A kid with glasses, Timmy, ran into the barn. "Come on, guys. The barn is a no-fly zone during hide-and-seek."
A man's sounded. "Boys? Come on, you delinquents. Time for bed!" He entered the barn. "All right! Game is over, boys! Let's bring it in!" He looked for the kids. "Lights out was ten minutes ago!" He shined his flashlight around, looking for the kids and muttered under his breath, "You little bastards." He yelled again. "Okay, I'm gonna..."
The man got spooked by a breeze and an eerie supernatural sounded and continued. "You got till the count of ten, and you'd better come out or the belt's coming off! One... Come on!" His flashlight was flickering and dying. He hit it to try to get it to work again. The tractor/forklift turned on and its lights turned on. "Boys?" He paused. "Come on! This isn't funny."
The tractor/forklift started moving towards the man. He backed up, away from the tractor, but fell and landed on his back.
The tractor/forkliftwas still coming on and the man scrambled back. The tractor/forklift continued heading towards him.
The man got to his feet and kept backing up, until he was backed up against wall. The tractor/forklift lifted as the tractor/forklift continued to advance towards him.
He screamed and the tractor/forklift had pierced through the wall.
Sam and Kennedy wandered into the research room to find no one there.
"Dean?" Sam and Kennedy called. "Kevin?"
No one else was in the room. Sam and Kennedy headed for the bookshelves and both pulled a book off one of the shelves. Sam pulled off The Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Kennedy picked up a Roman mythology book. Sam picked up the book and looked at it speculatively and with a sense of anticipation, sat down to read. Kennedy sat in another chair and opened the book.
A cell phone began buzzing and Sam and Kennedy looked annoyed.
The two had a silent argument before Sam set his book aside and reluctantly stood to get the phone.
Sam looked at the phone, but didn't recognize the number. He answered. "Hello?" Dean entered from behind. "I'm sorry, there's no, uh "there's no Dee-dawg, uh..."
Dean grabbed the phone. "I got it, I got it. Sonny, hey." ... "So what's up?" ... "Okay." ... "All right. Yeah, just sit tight. I'll be there as son as I can." ... "Yeah." He hung up.
"So, what was that all about, Dee-dawg?" Sam asked.
Dean looked at his brother. "You remember when we were kids that spring in upstate New York? Dad was on a rugaru hunt." Sam nodded. "We, uh - we crashed at the, uh... bungalow colony with the ping-pong table?"
"Yeah," Sam remembered. "Uh, y-you disappeared. Dad came back. You were gone. He shipped me off to Bobby's for a couple months, Kennedy and I hung out, and went and... found you. You were lost on a hunt or something."

Silent Lucidity
Mystery / ThrillerAncient violent beings roam the earth thanks to an angel who thought he could stop another. A series of tests is taken on by one of the brothers. A man bears a powered mark and a blade, and removing the Mark will bring something the hunters know not...