Back to school

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Nar POV:
After Christmas Rebecca and the Weasley boys head back to school. Rebecca decided to take Arabella and Callista with her. Her hair was still brown and she had an even stronger friendship with Ron and the twins.

Rebecca POV:
"BEX! Oh my goodness! Your hair?! It's brown?"
"Oh yeah. Mrs.-Molly helped me change it over break."
"You were at the Weasley's?"
"Yeah. It's a long story. I'll tell you later in the dorms." I say pulling her into a hug.
"How was your break?"
"It was fun. Got a lot of cool things for Christmas. What did you get?"
"Well...." I say pulling Arabella and Callista out of their carrier.
"You got kittens?! That's amazing! Maybe they will be friends with Crookshanks!"
"I'm sure they will be. The white one is Arabella and the black one is Callista."
"They're so so cute."
"I know right! Anyways, I have to go say hi to some other people. Meet you in the dorms."
I wave bye and head towards Neville.
"Hi Neville."
"Hi Rebecca."
"How was your Christmas?"
"Good. And yours?"
"It was great. I got kittens. Wanna see?"
I open the carrier so he can see inside.
"The white one is named Arabella and the black one is Callista."
"Aww, they are so small."
Neville and I talk for a few more minutes and I decide to go find Draco. I drop my stuff in the common room and head out. I find Draco while heading to the Great Hall.
Draco and I run towards each other and slam into each falling down to the ground. Hugging the whole time.
"Are you okay? Did father hurt you badly? You-your hair?"
"I'm ok now. Molly fixed my injuries. And yes I hair is brown."
"It's pretty." Draco says taking a piece in his hand.
"Did you get your gifts? Mom and I had to be very sneaky."
"Yes I got them. Who's idea was it to get me kittens?"
"Both of ours. I picked out the black one, mom chose the white one. We couldn't decide."
"They're perfect. I named them Arabella and Callista."
"Those are perfect names."
"Hey, you're still wearing my locket.."
"Yeah. And I am not taking it off. Unless you want it back..."
"No. It's yours, I just didn't think you would wear it."
"Well, I am." Someone comes up behind us.
"Hello Draco." It's those two fat jerks again.
Draco gets up and helps me up. He gives the boys a look.
"Hi Rebecca."
"Urm..I'm going to go. See you later Draco."
I quickly leave and head to the great hall. I see Harry sitting at the Gryffindor table and go join him.
"Hi Harry."
"Hi look different.."
"Molly, Ron's mom, helped me dye my hair over break."
"You were at the Weasley's?"
"I got kicked out of my house so they offered to host me."
"Oh..why did you get kicked out?"
"It's a long story. Anyways how was your Christmas?"
"That sucks. I got you a gift but it's in my dorm. I'll give it to you later. I gotta go though. See ya."
I get up and leave. I was honestly bored, I had another 2 hours until dinner so I didn't know what to do. I decided to go look for the twins. It took about 20 minutes to find them.
"Hey boys."
"Hi Beccaroni."
"What are ya doing?"
"Thinking of some great pranks to prank Filch."
"Can I help?"
"Why not George?"
"I don't know...cause I said so."
I storm off. Why all of the sudden was he being rude like that? I'll go visit Hagrid. I head down towards Hagrid's hut and knock.
"Hello? Oh! Hello Rebecca?"
"Hi Hagrid. How was your Christmas?" I ask entering his home.
"Uh it was good. And yours?"
"It was nice. I had fun."
"I see your hair is a different color?"
"Yea. Figured it was time for a change."
"I see. So, why aren't you hanging out with any of your friends? Like...those Weasley boys?"
"They're being jerks. Nobody wants to hangout."
Hagrid and I talked for another 30 minutes or so and I decided to head back to get cleaned up for dinner. As I am going to turn a corner I hear mumbling. So of course I decide to eavesdrop.
"George why didn't you want Rebecca to hang with us today?"
"I don't know...she's just gotten to be annoying."
"What do you mean?"
"She is ALWAYS around. At first it was fun to have her around but then she was everywhere. She even came home with us..."
"Well, it's not like she had a choice!"
"She could've stayed here for break."
I feel tears start to swell up so I come out into the open and push past George, running to the common room.
"George...I think she just heard everything you said.."
I get to the common room and up to my dorm. Thank goodness Hermione wasn't there. I went into my closet, curled up into a ball and just cried. I cried for what felt like hours.
*knock knock*
"Rebecca? It's me..George.."
I didn't respond.
"I know your in your closet, come to me.."
"Go away. You don't even like me."
"That's not true!"
"Save it. I heard everything. I'm sorry I'm a fricken orphan now and didn't feel like being alone for Christmas! You're the one who acted excited for me to come home with you guys."
"I-I was! I'm sorry. Really.."
"I don't care."
"Are you coming to dinner?"
"I'm not hungry."
I heard the door close and crawled out of the closet.
"Please come eat.."
George was sitting on my bed. He hadn't actually left.
"I said I'm not hungry." I say wiping the rest of the tears off my face. My eyes were red and puffy and my nose and cheeks were also red.
"Fine. I'm not either. We can be NOT hungry together."
"Seriously? What is your problem?!"
"What do you mean?"
"First you act all buddy buddy, then you talk about me behind my back to Fred, which is embarrassing enough, then you act like you actually care about me!"
"Ok. One: I do care about you. Two: why is it embarrassing that I was talking to Freddie about you?"
Crap. I didn't realize I said that out loud.
"Uhhhh....I don't know what your talking about.."
"Yes you do! *GASP* YOU LIKE FRED!!"
"Wha-I-No-what are you-shut up..." I mutter turning the darkest shade of red you can imagine. George forms a huge grin, gets up and starts dancing around while singing:
"Rebecca likes Fred! Rebecca likes Fred!" Over and over.
"George! Stop! Someone is gonna here you!" I say trying to get him to stop.
"So, you do?"
"You aren't allowed to say anything. To ANYONE. Especially him!"
"No promises." George says and then bolts out of my dorm.
I immediately follow after him as we are running down the halls.
"Don't what?"
George and I stop right in front of Fred. I look at George with pleading eyes.
"Fred likes you too!" And with that George was gone. He ran so fast. I glance at Fred who is 10 shades of red and his jaw is dropped.
My eyes go wide and I don't respond. I just turn super red and feel so embarrassed. I am going to kill George.

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