No one like you

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*Few weeks later*

It has been a few weeks later since Ryeowook and Sungmin met and so far, Sungmin kept his promise about protecting Ryeowook. Every time someone bullied Ryeowook, Sungmin would protect him. He even got into a fight once and of course, he ended up winning. Luckily, Sungmin was with Ryeowook in all of his classes and they were inseparable.

One day, it was Saturday and Sungmin invited Ryeowook to meet his friend in a park.

" Ryeowook, this is Heechul, Leeteuk, Hangeng, Kibum, Kyunhyun, Yesung, ShinDong, Eunhyuk,Donghae, Siwon, Kangin, Zhou-mi and Henry. Guys, this is Ryeowook " Sungmin introduced while Ryeowook tried to memorize all of the names.

" Nice to meet you guys" Ryeowook said.

" You don't need to be nice to us. Ryeowook, do you sing?" One of them said. His name was Leeteuk.

" I guess" Ryeowook said shyly.

" Bad choice dude." Hangeng said.

" I'm thinking... Once we get out of here, I'm starting a band. It would be...Force Jump" Leeteuk said.

" Force Jump?" Ryeowook asked.

" Yeah. I'm still thinking of the name but for now, it's that one. It's better than what Sungmin suggested, Hot Dudez 101" Leeteuk laughed. Ryeowook looked at Sungmin and laughed. Sungmin playfully hit his shoulder, trying to hide his smile but failed.

" Hey! Yesung was worse. He said Rock Massachusetts " Sungmin laughed.

" I said Rock Shoe sets" Yesung said.

" Same thing " Henry said. Yesung pouted and huffed and started playing with his rings. Kyunhyun smiled and wrapped his arm around Yesung's shoulder.

" Who was the one that said Juicy Juice?" Yesung asked with a smile."Eunhyuk? "

" Hey! I was just joking around " Eunhyuk said and everybody stared at him and hummed 'Mmhmm'

" Well. I don't think of joining. Maybe a subgroup that you guys do. Maybe a Juicy Juice M" Henry said laughing.

" Yeah me too" Zhou-mi said. " I want to become an interviewer and do a part subgroup kind a thing"

" You guys should name yourself something big" Ryeowook suggested. " Maybe Super Junior. And like Henry and Zhou-mi said do a subgroup for when one of us have to go to military service or do something different, the others can keep on singing. If that's not enough, we can always do more subgroups like Super Junior-T and Super Junior Happy."

" Super Junior?" Leeteuk asked. "Superr Juniorr. Sup-er Jun-iorr. Super Junior! We are Super Juni-or! It's perfect! And for greeting I can say like We are Super Juni and you guys join me at the or, showing our five fingers. Like Hello We are Super Juni-or!" Leeteuk said excited.

"Yeah. It haves a nice tune in it. " Donghae said with a smile.

" I guess it's official. Super Junior" Leeteuk said. Everybody applauded with grace and Ryeowook smiled.

" Let's go for a walk" Sungmin whispered in his ear. Ryeowook smiled and stood up from the table. Sungmin grabbed Ryeowook's hand and they started walking.

" So did you like them?" Sungmin asked.

" Yeah. They're kinda cool. " Ryeowook smiled. He was looking at the ground and Sungmin was looking at Ryeowook. Sungmin stopped walking and so did Ryeowook. Behind them, the guys were watching carefully like it was movie.

"Thanks for coming with me today. I hope you had as much fun as I did" Sungmin said.

" Yeah I did. It's good to have more friends that have sense of humour and good looks like you" Ryeowook said.

" I would say the same to you but unfortunately there are nobody else like you" Sungmin said and put his hand in Ryeowook's cheek and kissed him in the lips. Ryeowook was surprised at first but then relaxed and closed his eyes, putting his hand in Sungmin's wrist. All of the guys starting to applaud and whistle and whooping. Ryeowook smiled in the kiss and kissed Sungmin deeper. Sungmin pulled away first and rested their forehead's together.

" No one like you" Sungmin repeated.

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