Groin Pain

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Ryeowook woke up at 5 am naked. Remembering what happened yesterday, he smiled. He turned around and saw Sungmin, also naked, sleeping. Ryeowook looked for boxers and put them on and turned around. He kissed Sungmin's bare back and Sungmin woke up and faced Ryeowook.

" Morning " Sungmin said.

" Morning to you too" Ryeowook smiled. " We need to get up. We have to go to school"

" 5 more minutes " Sungmin said and hugged Ryeowook. Ryeowook smiled and closed his eyes.

They woke up 5 minutes later, and went to school. Ryeowook had a little pain in his upper thighs but that must be from yesterday. He started coughing and that concerned Sungmin.

" Are you ok?" Sungmin asked.

" Yeah. I'm ok. Just a little cough, it will past" Ryeowook asked.

" Are you sure? Do you need a nurse?" Sungmin asked.

" No, no. I'm ok" Ryeowook said.

They went to History class and in the middle of class, Ryeowook started coughing again. He kept coughing and coughing until he spitted up blood. He covered it with his hand and with the other one, he raised his hand.

" Yes Mr. Kim" The teacher said.

" May I please go to the bathroom." Ryeowook asked.

" Yes. Sungmin go with him. Make sure he's alright. " They stood up and went to the bathroom. Ryeowook took off his hand from his mouth and a lot of blood started falling from his nose.

" Ryeowook-shii! " Sungmin exclaimed. He grabbed some paper towels, wet them a little and put it Ryeowook's nose and lifted his head to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Ryeowook started getting whiter as a sheet, he also started feeling dizzy.

" Sungmin " Ryeowook said dizzily.

" Wait, Ryeowook. I'm gonna call for help" Sungmin called all of the guys and they arrived in seconds.

" What's wrong? " They all asked.

" You guys...I'm ok" Ryeowook stood up from the sinks were he was previously sitting, and walked to them. " You guys are making a big deal about nothing " Ryeowook said faintly. He tried to get to the door but fainted. Almost falling to the floor but just in time Sungmin ran and catched him. They were all surprised.

"Guys. What do we do?" Sungmin said.

" Let's take him home and look for the symptoms on the internet" Eunhyuk said. Siwon stared at him and hit his head.

" We don't know his symptoms " Siwon said.

" Guys. Let's take him home for a while. He haves to wake up at some point" Yesung said.

"Not if he keeps bleeding " Kangin said.

"Do you have a better plan?" Yesung asked.

" You're right" Kyunhyun agreed. Sungmin carried Ryeowook bridal style and they all went to Ryeowook's house.

After an hour, Ryeowook woke up. Much to Sungmin's surprise, he was scared that he has lost Ryeowook.

" Thank God! Are you alright? Ryeowook, do you need anything? God! You scared me!" Sungmin said and hugged Ryeowook.

" I'm ok" Ryeowook said. He got up but immediately regret it. His thighs still hurt.

" Wookie? What's wrong? Where does it hurt?" Sungmin asked worrying.

" Aah! It's ok, I'm ok" Ryeowook said rubbing his thighs.

" Guys. I took the liberty to use the computer and look for a quiz. So I'm going to ask you question " Siwon said. " Ok. Your symptoms?"

" Guys. I'm going to be ok. I'm ok" Ryeowook assured.

" But what if you're not. Just answer the questions " Sungmin said putting his hand on Ryeowook's knee.

Ryeowook sighed and answered. "Well I had coughing and I coughed blood and I have pain on my upper thighs"

" Any possible activities you did yesterday that may have caused your pain?" Siwon asked and Ryeowook and Sungmin blushed. Everybody saw them and opened their mouth in shocked.

" What? You guys already done it?! I've dated Kibum for a year and we never got that far" Heechul gasped.
" And me and Yesung have been dating for 5 years and we haven't done anything! " Kyunhyun said.

" And for how long have you guys know each other? For a month? Few weeks?" Eunhyuk said.

" A month and 3 days" Sungmin said.

" Let's just keep going with the quiz" Ryeowook said.

He answered a few more questions before finishing.

" Ok...The answers are here" Siwon said. " You got Groin Pain, please visit a doctor as soon as possible "

" I do not have Groin Pain" Ryeowook said getting up but then sat back down because of the pain.

" Ryeowook, relax. We'll take you to a hospital and my family will pay you for it." Siwon said.

" Siwon, you don't have to" Ryeowook said.

"Ok. Sungmin get Ryeowook. Everybody, let's go" Siwon ordered. Sungmin carried Ryeowook like a baby and they all head out to the hospital.

When they got there, they made an appointment. They were the first but there were alot of people there. The other people were giving them questioning looks like why is one carrying the other one, or why so many people but they just ignored them.

" Kim Ryeowook " A doctor called. Only Sungmin, Heechul and Kyunhyun went to the doctor.

" Ok. What seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked.

" We think he might have groin pain" Sungmin said.

" Ok. Just lie him there and we'll get started " The doctor instructed. Sungmin did as told and lied Ryeowook where the doctor said.

After the doctor checked Ryeowook, he ended having Groin Pain and it's been there for a while and surprisingly, Ryeowook didn't feel it.

"He's gonna need surgery. " The doctor said. " The pain has been there for a while and it's too late for just giving him a prescription and curing it by itself. Should I set up an appointment? "

"Yeah. When it's it gonna be?" Sungmin asked trying not to cry.

" As soon as possible. It will be in an hour" The doctor said. " I need to leave but stay here until I come back to set the surgery "

" Ryeowook-shii... Since when did you have this pain?" Sungmin asked. Ryeowook was looking at his feet. " Ryeowookie" Sungmin put his fingers in Ryeowook's chin and lift his head a little. Ryeowook had a tear falling from his eyes and so were from Sungmin's.

" F-For a year" Ryeowook said. " I thought it was nothing, hyung! That's why I didn't say" Ryeowook sobbed.

" Sshh...It alright " Sungmin got closer and kissed his lips lightly. Another tear fell from Ryeowook's eye but kissed Sungmin back.

" Doctor's coming " Kyunhyun said. Sungmin and Ryeowook pulled apart and Sungmin hugged Ryeowook while Ryeowook sobbed.
" Ok. You guys ready?" The doctor asked. They all nodded and Sungmin changed Ryeowook to the other bed and waved goodbye as they took Ryeowook to the operating room.

Once he was gone, Sungmin took the opportunity to cry. His knees gave up so he fell to the floor and sobbed in his hands. Heechul kneeled besides him and hugged him for comfort.

" I'll go tell the guys" Kyunhyun said and left while Sungmin cried and hoped for the health of Ryeowook.

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