The Return of Love

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*2 months later*

Ryeowook and Sungmin just returned from their mini vacation with each other. The two definitely seemed happier than they were. They started cooking together, playing together, flirting with each other, kissing each other playfully, they were so in love. Some fans suspected that they were a couple.Minwook and Ryeomin some of them called them. Ah.. They don't even know the half of it.

Right now, they were chasing each other around the house. Leeteuk, Yesung and Kangin were watching TV with their feet up on the table. Ryeowook got in the middle of the tv, receiving some complaints from the others, in attempt to run away from Sungmin. Sungmin catched him and started spinning him around. Ryeowook giggling and hugging him. The other three were trying to watch TV but Sungmin and Ryeowook were in front of it.

" Please, boys. Get out of the way. You have a bedroom in there" Leeteuk whined. " No wait, I take that back"

Ryeowook and Sungmin ignored him and started kissing. Sungmin's hands were going down to Ryeowook's butt and giving it a squeeze.

" We don't want to see this! " Kangin said putting his hands over his eyes.

Ryeowook grabbed Sungmin's hand and they ran to their bedroom, locking the door behind them.

The next day, Sungmin had to go. He had to stay at his parent's house for the weekend because it was Sungmin's parents 20th anniversary. He had to leave early in the morning.

Ryeowook was crying and so was Sungmin.

" Do you have to go?" Ryeowook asked.

" Yes. I'm sorry, I'll call you every night and morning and every time that I can, ok?" Sungmin said and Ryeowook nodded sadly. " I love you" Sungmin kissed Ryeowook's cheek and left.

A minute after he left, Ryeowook texted him.

' I miss you. Come back!'- Ryeowook -[•^•]

'You'll be alright. Remember rub your thighs with cream every morning and night, don't stop eating. Must eat your daily vitamin! Brush your teeth and smile. Go to the park daily with the rest of Super Junior. Text me at least 1 time every hour telling me if you're ok or if you have pain. Don't be sad. I'll be back before you know it!' Sungmin ;)

'Something tells me you're not just staying the weekend' Ryeowook :/

' I knew if I told you, you wouldn't let me go. I'm sorry' Sungmin :'(

' I'm going to spend the whole week. Coming back on Friday' Sungmin. :(

' A WEEK?! I can't spend an hour without you let alone a week!' Ryeowook •_•!

' Relax, babe. You'll be just fine. Have to go, bye! Love you. Fighting! ' Sungmin :*

'Love U 2!' Ryeowook :* :* :*

When night came around, Ryeowook turned and turned and kicked and did anything as possible to sleep but it was impossible. He dialed Sungmin's phone number and called him.

" What's wrong, Wookie? It's everything ok? Is it your thighs? " Sungmin said over the phone.

" I can't sleep" Ryeowook said.

" Go to the closet. There's a box for you. It's pink. I have to go. Love you" Sungmin said. He hung up before Ryeowook could say anything. He walked to the closet and looked for the pink box. When he found it, he opened it. Inside if it, there were a picture of him and Sungmin sleeping. It was taken a year ago before their first time when they had claimed to 'study' all night.

Ryeowook felt tears falling from his eyes so he wiped them. Under the picture, there was a blue blanket, folded very nicely. Ryeowook took it out and smelled it. It smelled exactly like Sungmin and that made Ryeowook cried. He sobbed on the floor with the mini blanket.

" Ryeowook?" Heechul said coming in the room. He saw Ryeowook crying on the floor and brought him to his room. Hangeng was gone for the month so they had the room for themselves. Ryeowook lied down and Heechul hugged him.

" It's ok" Heechul told him.

The next day, Ryeowook didn't wake up. Everybody was a little worried so they called Sungmin.

" Sungmin-shii. It's 4 in the afternoon, he hasn't woken up" Heechul said worried.

" Put me on speaker next to him" Sungmin ordered. Heechul put him on speaker next to him. Heechul left the room, leaving Ryeowook and Sungmin.

" Ryeowookie...It's Sungmin-shii " Sungmin said. " Come on baby wake up"

" Sungmin-shii... " Ryeowook woke up and took the phone. " Sungmin-shii... I miss you! Please come home"

" I can't honey but just wait...The days will pass" Sungmin said frowning even though Ryeowook couldn't see. Ryeowook started to sob and hugged the phone.

" Don't cry. Baby, don't cry" Sungmin said now crying. " You're making me cry"

They stayed talking for an hour until Ryeowook got out of the room.

" Hey. Are you ok?" Kangin asked Ryeowook. Ryeowook sniffed and nodded.

" Yeah, I guess. It just sometimes I really miss Sungmin" Ryeowook said. " Anyways, I'm so tired. What time is it?"

" It's 5 in the afternoon " Kangin said.

" Oh. I think I'm..." Ryeowook couldn't finish the sentence, he ran to his and Sungmin's bathroom and closed the door. Even if he didn't ate anything, he threw up quite alot. Heechul called Sungmin again and he answered immediately.

" You NEED to come home" Heechul told him.

" Why? Is everything alright? How's Ryeowook? " Sungmin asked worried.

" He's not good. Sungmin, he woke up at 4 in the afternoon and claimed his still tired. He's throwing even if he haven't ate anything " Heechul said.

" Ok. I'm on my way, just don't tell him anything " Sungmin said and hung up.

When night rolled around, Ryeowook tried to sleep. He was cuddled with Sungmin's blanket. He felt someone crawl in to bed with him so he turned around and saw who it was.

" Sungmin-shii!" Ryeowook exclaimed. He jumped on top of him and hugged him, kissing his face over and over again. Sungmin laughed and hugged him back. "What are you doing here? It's Wednesday! "

" They told me you're not feeling well" Sungmin said. " What kind of boyfriend would I be if I wasn't there for you"

" God. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you" Ryeowook looked at his eyes and kissed him.

" I love you too. Now get some sleep. I'll be here in the morning " Sungmin smiled. Ryeowook fell asleep with a smile.

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