"An old friend"

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"He's an old friend" I heard someone's voice.
I felt someone's hand through my hair so moved me head away.
"Gah! Fuck" I said jumping up because I rolled on the cut on my arm.
"M/n!" I felt someone's hand on my back. "You dumbass I need to clean that"
"Why are you so nice to him! Anyone else you'd say 'stop complaining!'" Toga complained. But Dabi ignored her. He pulled me around on the bed. He grabbed my hand. I flinched back.
"We aren't doing this again" He grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall. "Don't be a dumbass" he growled.
He grabbed my arm and examined the cut.
"Fucking hell" I said clawing at my leg from the pain.
"Can you pass me the wipes and disinfectant, Toga" he said putting the bandage next to him.
Toga passed him the wipes and disinfectant. He moved closer to . He grabbed a wipe and put disinfectant on it. He put the disinfectant next to him and grabbed my arm.
"relax" he demanded.
He moved his hand into mime and stared into my eyes. My face turns a shade of pink as he rubs my hand. I relax me arm, so he can clean my cuts. He moves his hand up my arm and dabs the wipe on my cut.
"FUCK!" I shouted as the Disinfectant burns my cut.
"pass me the towel"
"Here" Toga hands it to Dabi.
He puts in under my arm and grabs the disinfectant.
"Sorry" he pours the disinfectant into the cut.
"GAHHH! SHIT!" I squeeze my hand into a fist and bite my lips until my lip starts to bleed. Blood drips down my chin onto my chest.
"HOLY SHIT!" Dabi shouted when he saw the blood.
He stops and puts the lid on the disinfectant bottle. I stop biting my lip.
"Fucking hell" he said in a concerned tone. He used a wipe to get the blood of my chest and chin. "Poke your tongue out"
I look at him confused but I do it anyway. My tongue was covered in blood, so I pulled it back in.
"Toga can you go get some water"
"Okay" she closed the door behind her.
"Fucking hell m/n" his voice was caring and concerned. He leaned closer and used his thump to wipe the blood of my lip. He puts his hand in mine. "Why so many cuts and burns? Is it from your quirk?" I look away and didn't answer. "So your quirk?"
".....no....." I whisper.
"Then what?"
"...." He looked concerned because I didn't answer him. He puts his hand near my face, I grab his wrist. He stops and slowly moves his hand and holds my face. 'Touya....' a tear falls down my cheek.
"Oh...." he realised. "Yeah...."
"..." he sighed wiping the tear from my cheek. "Yes"
"Y-you...." My eyes widened. Tears fell down my cheeks.
"Yeah i know" a tear fell down his cheek. "I've always looked out for you"

Dabi/Touya x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now