narator-chan: welcome and chill dudes,
we have achieved something so great to day~
Author chan was called not boring today lets all clap [claps,crikets]
{Static, static}
{outside thy tv}
Author-chan: FW-Chan can we save her!?!?
FW-chan: sadly not, she has joiend to peace yall dudes, we should have never have let her do yoga so she can get off her backs.
fare well old friend may you never come back
A-Chans face be like: (•_•)
and FW-Chans face be like: ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
and narrator be like:L ˋ( ° ▽、° ) (guess ill just die face/i'm just gonna leave now, bye~)
ive gotta say im to lazy to do this or correct my word so yeah. what do u think will happen next, just call this number and find out what happens next (444)-666-1111, jk cant do that cause i dont know, heh.
Narator-chan: kool, those characters remind me of some humans i know, eh wat ever
"The Daily Life Of Narrator-Chan, And Her Struggles"
Acak"Welcome to the life of Narrator-Chan who has been constantly yelled at, always fixing worth walls and is like a pet that's always naughty but lovable1" "Yeah I got nothing." "So basically this story is about Narrator-Chan's evil life, you know tha...