Waking Up, Meeting Skull, and Going Home

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Half of this story and the whole of Stripes belongs to RaechelTiger.

The story begins in a chaotic wasteland. The sky is mostly unseeable, with dust clouds everywhere. Grass and other vegetation are few and far between. In the middle of a field, laying on the dirty ground, are two black figures, one large bear with a yellow top hat and bowtie, and one tall and thin marionette, with a black button-up shirt with white-and-black striped sleeves.

Nightmare, the large, nightmarish black bear with a mouth on his stomach, and Nightmarionne, the tall, thin, black marionette, groan as they wake up, both of them sitting up slowly after mysteriously disappearing. Nightmare looks over at Nightmarionne. "You alright Nightmarionne?" He asked her.

"Yes, I'm okay. You alright, Nightmare?" Nightmarionne replied, looking at him.

"I'm fine as well," Nightmare looks around.

Nightmarionne nods. "Okay. Where are we, boss?"

"I have no clue," Nightmare replied.

Suddenly, a skeleton-like dog with a red light glowing around him appears in front of the two animatronics as his ears perk. "So the rumors are true... hm..." the dog hummed thoughtfully.

Nightmarionne grips and hides behind Nightmare, shy and scared. Nightmare, sensing her fear, stood in front of her protectively.

"Hey hey! Easy! Don't pick a fight just because you don't know the person yet!" The skele-dog put his paws up defensively.

"Mmm..." Nightmare stared, untrusting of the dog.

Nightmarionne just looks at the skele-dog, still staying behind Nightmare.

"Anyways... my name is Skull. I'm the last of the Skull Spirits ever since the other two Demonic Skull Spirits, Blàzekin and Reddend, mysteriously left. Now what are your names?" Skull asked, introducing himself.

"And we can just out of the blue trust you because...?" Nightmare stared at Skull, untrusting of the skele-dog.

"Well, all things considered, if I was going to hurt or kill you I would've by now," Skull replied calmly.

"Fine. I'm Nightmare," Nightmare said with a slight edge of untrustingness in his voice.

"Nightmarionne... or Nightmare Puppet... or Nightmarionette... or Nightmare Marionette... I usually just go by Nightmarionne..." Nightmarionne said from behind Nightmare.

Skull smiles. "Nice to meet you two. Judging by the way you two look, your not from here I assume?"

"We're from the Five Nights At Freddy's Dimension," Nightmare said.

Skull gives him a blank look. "Never heard of it, but I'll help you find your way home," Skull said.

"Th-thanks..." Nightmarionne said while unintentionally clinging to Nightmare, who has an arm around her.

An explosion occurs in the distance. Skull's ears perked and he shifts into his Skull Spirit Form as his spikes are longer and the ghostly glowing flame around his tail shoots up and around his spine. "Come. I know a safe place for you two," he said.

Nightmarionne nods, then realizes she's clinging to Nightmare and lets go. "S-sorry boss..."

"It's alright," Nightmare said, not moving his arm.

Skull grabs the two and vanishes, arriving at his house. "I'll be back in a bit. stay here," he orders, then vanishes again.

Nightmare looks at Nightmarionne, who's looking down. She has her face buried in hands. "... why did we believe Springtrap...?" She asked.

Sweet and Shy Love (Nightmare x Nightmarionne)Where stories live. Discover now