Stripes and the Love of Nightmares

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Half of this story and the whole of Stripes belongs to RaechelTiger.

Suddenly, a familiar, small green bunny with slightly turn fur and white eyes runs up to them and hugs them without thinking. "Nightmare! Nightmarionne! Your back! Finally!" He said with excitement.

Nightmare is taken aback and slowly hugs back. "Hi Plushtrap..." he said to the small bunny.

Nightmarionne is stunned. "Hey Plushtrap..."

"Oh! Sorry!" Plushtrap, the small bunny, quickly lets go and backs up. "I forgot you two hate hugs. Or any sort of physical contact, really. But seriously! Where have you been the last six monthes!?"

"Six months!?" Nightmare asked in surprise.

"Yeah! A lot of things have changed! Like the new Stripes animatronic, and you might not believe me on this, but me, Evan, and the other Nightmares had been really worried about you two! Not to mention having no leader for six months had been... really rough to say the least," Plushtrap explained.

"Stripes animatronic?" Nightmare asked.

"Stripes is the new tiger animatronic that you can normally find running around," Plushtrap replied. "She's a magician, so she normally appears for a few seconds, does something, and disappears again soon afterwards. She's extremely energetic and very friendly to most anyone she meets."

As if on cue, a small tiger animatronic appears suddenly in front of them smiling as her tail flicks and her ears are perked. "Hiya!!!" She smiles happily.

Nightmare and Nightmarionne are stunned into silence.

"Yeah. Hi Stripes!" Plushtrap greets the tiger.

Nightmare doesn't know what to think about Stripes.

"Plushers!!!" Stripes hugs him and then let's go, looking at Nightmarionne and Nightmare. "Hehehe!"

Plushtrap laughs and hugs Stripes. "This is Stripes! Stripes, meet my bosses, Nightmare and Nightmarionne!"

"Nice to meet you! Wanna see a trick?" Stripes asked excitedly.

"Uh..." Nightmare just stares, not knowing how to respond.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now, Stripes. They've been gone for six months, so I'm sure they'd like to rest and see Evan and the other Nightmares. Maybe later," Plushtrap answers before Nightmare could properly respond.

"Okie! Bye then!" And she vanishes.

"... how can one have that much energy...?" Nightmare asked.

Plushtrap shows Nightmare some charts. "We wondered that too and tried to study it."

Nightmare carefully takes them and starts looking them over.

"We have failed miserably. Anyway! I'll go tell the others you two are back!" And with that, Plushtrap runs off.

Nightmare looks at Nightmarionne, which is in her human form, staring at the ground. She's a bit smaller than Nightmare, with long black hair that reaches her waist and a button-up shirt with striped sleeves that go over her hands. She wore black leggings and black shoes. Over her face was her usual mask with the black stripes coming from the eyes, hiding her white eyes and very pale white face. On her bangs was a white streak.

Nightmare goes into his human form as and looks off to the side. He's got back hair with yellow streaks covering his left eye, and round glasses on his face, and is a little shorter than Nightmareionne. His eyes are still red and he still has his yellow het and bowtie. He had on a black and yellow dress shirt over a black shirt and a black scarf around his neck.that ended in yellow. He had on a black belt with a yellow buckle and black and yellow camo-like pants with black shoes. His skill is a dark brown, and he still has his black-and-yellow bear ears.

Sweet and Shy Love (Nightmare x Nightmarionne)Where stories live. Discover now