Chapter 3: A day in the life of a Welfdo.

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Hey guys, WebNovel just reached out to me! This is awesome and a great milestone for me,  and it's all thanks to you guys, I did some research like a proper nerd and found out that you could actually earn money from WebNovel from contracts, but you have to be in the top 300, I'm going to strive to get in one of the top 300. Please root for me when I do so! My opinion on Wattpad vs Webnovel is this: Wattpad is similar to WebNovel but on Wattpad you can't earn money, I think.  However, I am not going to switch to WebNovel yet, I want to familiarize myself into this life of writing before I go and switch. 

Hey guys, I accidentally deleted this entire chapter so this is practically a rewrite. I'm currently writing this chapter from my friend's house and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I know there's not a lot of action right now but later on there will be, I promise, I'm just doing some character development first alright? Enough with me blabbering, it's time to move to the stroy, I hope you guys enjoy this brand new chapter!

I woke up to the loud boom of thunder and the coldness of water droplets on my leg. I got up and rubbed my eyes drowsily as thunder rumbled outside. 

 I looked outside the window to see what in the world was going on and saw it was raining cats and dogs. A hurricane or typhoon? I got up and shut the windows instantly and ran out of my room and rushed to my parent's room. I frantically rapped my knuckles on the door and they answered. 

" What do you want son?" my father asked, a little annoyed that I had disrupted his peaceful sleep. 

" There's a typhoon raging outside!" I cried out. 

I heard that these storms were quite common here in Asia and Singapore was in Asia right? Right? I never saw it on the map so, I don't really know where it is. 

" You got to be kidding me, there are no natural disasters here in Singapore," my father replied. 

" But, there's a big storm outside," I argued. 

"It's monsoon season," my father enlightened. 

Wow, great hep dad, what's a monsoon. 

"What's that?" I asked. 

" A season where it rains quite often, now don't bother me , I want to get some sleep," He said, quite annoyed. 

I obeyed his orders and went back to my room and looked at the thunderstorm outside. The rain was so bad that I couldn't see some houses and the roads were a little flooded. 

Are you sure natural disasters couldn't happen here? Because last I checked, floods were a natural disaster, but five year old me didn't know that yet so he didn't question it. Now back to his perspective. 

I watched as the raindrops fell relentlessly on the roofs of the houses and the trees. 

Then, I went back under the covers and slept. 

I was in the forest, the night moon was shining down on us and illuminating us in its strange blue glow.  The howls of wolves could be heard from a mile away and I tensed up in fear. Then, a pack of wolves ran across a nearby stream with the sounds of the water splashing as their feet made contact with the water. They gathered in a line facing the woods on the grass patch on the side of the river I was currently spectating from. They were growling angrily, with their knees bent and ready to dodge out of the way from incoming attacks and lunge at enemies, they ere in a battle stance. They were waiting for something, but what? Then, the leaves rustled as hundreds of bats ran out from the woods and charged at the defenders. 

The wolves were stronger in terms of might and took down multiple enemies but in terms of numbers, they were hopelessly outnumbered. They could kill batches of a dozen at a time but they would also sustain a lot of wounds in the process, although minor slowly snowballed up to cause major injuries. Soon, the first wolf fell to his wounds. Then, the second and then another one and another and before long, there was one left, standing in the middle, surrounded by the bodies of his deceased comrades. He growled and made one last stand although being badly outnumbered. 

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