a secret out

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team seven and tazuna were rowing down a small boat down wave "wow the bridge is so big!" at the front sakura practically shouted naruto got up from behind her and put his hand on her lips and whispered "seal of silence" then several black marking went around sakura's lips but they began to fade "don't worry it match with your skin color so it wont show unless I make it,never do that again have you ever thought how selfish you can be sometimes. have you ever thought why the engine was turned off or why its so quiet, lets say a skilled hunter was after tazuna. You would have given up our position sometimes just say it to yourself" naruto said sakura mumbled out the words "kakashi sensei he can't do that he is just an idiot" sakura mumbled as loud as she can "yes he can sakura, to be honest I was about to knock you out for that but thank's to naruto's seal knowledge he just put a silent one, my sensei used it a lot"kakashi said 'now that I think of it naruto looks just like minato just replace naruto's brown hair with blond he will be an exact copy' kakashi said before widening his eyes 'no sensei's son died during the kyubi attack, wait wasnt kushina pregnant for nine months at the time' kakashi thought 'I am sorry sensei I was not there for your son' kakashi thought 

a wile later they where on land and walking towards tazuna's house "hey naruto how did you get those scars" sasuki asked naruto had a tear rolling down his face 'he has hardly even let out emotion for as long as I have known him' sasuki thought "I was tortured, as for why that's a secret" naruto replied everyone was shocked and kakashi was nearly crying about how he failed his sensei "you were tortured but you were 12" tazuna said and naruto nodded "I have been tortured so I have a very high pain tolerance if you stab me I won't even flinch" naruto said 

he looked through his crow and saw a man watching them naruto threw a kunai at him but he substituted with a rabit "naruto you idiot you just killed a rab-" saukura didn't finish as naruto put a hand on her lip's "shut up" naruto said 'snow rabbit in the spring' kakashi and naruto thought "DUCK" kakashi said and ducked a giant blade "well well well I get to kill kakashi the copy cat and the kyuubi brat" zabuza said "what do you mean kyuubi brat" sakura asked "oh you don't know your team mate is a ji-" zabuza didn't finish his sentence "don't you dare zabuza" naruto said activating his sharingan and hiding it under a genjutsu "as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted" zabuza said 'this must be the secret he did not want to talk about' sasuki thought "your friend is a jinchuriki a human sacrifice he has a bijju sealed in him more specifically the nine tails" zabuza said and everyone was shocked naruto had tear's streaming down his face "is it true" sasuki asked sadly and naruto nodded yes "demon!" sakura yelled naruto bit his thumb and performed a few hand sign's but before he touched the ground he looked at tazuna and said "witch way is your house" naruto asked tazuna pointed west  

naruto put his hand on the ground and said "summoning kurama!" naruto shouted and in a poof of smoke stood a 40 foot fox with nine tail's on its back "k-k-kyuubi" zabuza said in fear "you dare harm my friend" kurama said but before zabuza said anything kurama stabbed him with his nail and returned to the seal naruto then ran away sasuki went after him "sakura don't ever say that to him again" kakashi said "but kakashi sensei we must hunt down the de-" before sakura could finish kakashi was behind her with a kunai at her neck "I dare you to finish that sentence" kakashi threatened 

"ok let me explain naruto's back story naruto's parent's were the fourth hokage" kakashi said and all of them were wide eyed "how" sakura asked "if he was blond he would of been an exact copy of him" kakashi said "ok let me explain, the fourth died sealing a kyuubi into naruto and ever sense that it has been hell for him" kakashi said while they were walking "he was kicked out of the orphanage when he was 2 he was tortured daily explaining the scar's and the high pain tolerance until he was 4 he left the village that is all I know" everything was starting to make sense on how he hated talking about his pass all of them saw naruto in a new light sakura felt bad they called naruto a demon

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