chunin exam's

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team 7 just got to main land and naruto was traveling it had been really quite until naruto began to speak "you guy's go on ahead I am going to visit someone" naruto said and headed south "guy's we should follow him that's toward the valley of the end" kakashi said and they all agreed trying to learn more about naruto sakura and sasuki had to ask "kakashi sensei what is the valley of the end" sasuki asked "it is the place where hashirama senju fought madara uchiha" kakashi said and they were all confused "why would naruto need to go there" sakura asked kakashi shook his shoulder's 

when naruto got there he made his way to the top of madara's statue's head and he released the genjutsu and there stood a grave a grave that had a picture of madara "hey there gramp's I know it's been a while you would not guess I found, love" naruto said and all the of team 7 that was hiding eye's widened "you can come out now" naruto said realizing that they heard him they all got out of there hiding spot's and walked up and took a seat next to naruto "so when you said gramps what did you mean" kakashi said "exactly that he was my gramp's" naruto said and all of them except for sasuki looked at him in disbelief "what are you talking about naruto madara didn't have a grandson" kakashi said "yes he did it's just my dad never unlocked the sharingan" naruto said with his sharingan active looking at kakashi and sakura they looked at him with shock "and what did you mean you found love" kakashi said and naruto did nothing sasuki heart sunk but that was short lived when naruto looked at her and blushed she smiled and blushed to 'he loves me' sasuki thought kurama was laughing as hard as they could 'shut up kurama or I will have matabi rape you' naruto thought and kurama paled at him being raped by his sister "let's go we shouldn't be far from konoha" naruto said and left and made there way to konoha

(one day later in konoha)

"I hope you all know the reason I called you here" hiruzen asked all the jonin "is it that time of year again" one jonin asked and hiruzen nodded "who will elect there genin squad fir the chunin exam's" hiruzen said "I kakashi hatake jonin leader of team 7 elect naruto uzamki, sasuki uchiha and sakura haruno for the  chunin exam's" kakashi said and kurnai stood up "I kurnai yuhi jonin leader of team 8 elect hinata hyuga, kiba inazuka, and shino aburame for the chunin exam's" " I gai might jonin leader of team 9 elect neji hyuga, rock lee, and tenten (not like you need to know her last name sense she is not important) for the chunin exam's" "I asuma sarutobi elecct team 10 for the exam's" "anyone else. no. ok, dismiss" hiruzen said and they all nodded and left

"you better have a good excuse of being late" naruto said "I was signing you up for the chunin exam's" kakashi said "finally a good excuse" sasuki said "where is it" naruto asked with a big grin "here" kakashi said and right there they all signed them "good the exam's start next week" kakashi said and "hey sasuki wanna come early" naruto said and sasuki nodded (not do the do) and they all left 

the next day rolled around sasuki was no stranger to getting followed she knew it was fanboy's and a specific inuzuka was following her 'sasuki will be mine' kiba thought most boy's only want her for her body, sasuki met with naruto "hey sasuki" naruto said "so why did you ask me to come here" sasuki said "to vent" naruto said "what do you mean" "a good friend of mine told me a valuable life lesson, you can never truly understand someone unless you understand there pain so sit down and tell me your pain I don't care what you say I will hear" naruto said 'he is the first to want to understand me' sasuki thought and sat down and hugged naruto "thank you for wanting to get to know me" sasuki said "well you are the first to accept me for who I truly am" naruto said 

(shitty flash back time)

its been a week sense madara died and naruto took it hard he was following tobi to introduce to someone "naruto this is the akatsuki" tobi said and there were a few member's they were known as nagato, konan, itachi, naruto got a long well with then all and they all taught him something itachi taught him "people don't cry because they weak, they cry because they been strong for too long" nagato taught him "you can never truly understand someone unless you understand there pain" konan taught him "a true friend will always be there for you and respect your dream's" naruto took all of those word's into life lesson's

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