chunin exam's part III: the curse mark

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(new book out just to let you know)

sakura was doing her best to protect naruto and sasuki, sakura well, she was terrified she knew that the only reason that she passed the exam's was because of her book smart's 'no can't sleep got to protect naruto and sasuki' sakura thought as the bush behind her shook sakura was shaking she slowly pulled out a kunai and there it came out of the bush 'oh a squirrel' sakura thought the squirrel was running toward's her she then gasped and threw a kunai in front of the squirrel

"oh that was close do you think she saw the paper bomb we placed on it" a man said the man wore a yellow shirt with tall bushy hair and a forehead protecter that had a musical note on it he was zaku "no that wasn't it" a man said with a big puffy jacket and bandages on his face he was dosu. zaku turned to see dosu "hmm, then what was it, more importantly what are you thinking" zaku said "I think we need to get closer and find out so let's get going" dosu said

(with lee)

lee was jumping tree to tree until he stopped on one tree branch to scout he looked down to see a squirrel on fire with a paper bomb on it lee jumped down and grabbed the squirrel and tore of the paper bomb "who will do this" lee said 'this paper bomb is made so it goes of after a certain amount of time, probably for a trap' lee thought as he crushed the paper bomb

(with team 10)

neji was walking he knew he was being watch by someone "alright stop hiding and come out" neji said and team 10's eye widen "shot how could he have seen us we hid so well" ino whispered "what a drag now that he has found us out this going to be such a pain" shikamaru said "it's no big deal, our hide and hangout strategy didn't work, so we just use strategy number 2" ino said and shikamaru and choji widened there eyes "what are you serious right now" choji said looking at his teammate like if she was crazy "you got a problem with that, trust me this plan has to work" ino said "well what do we have to lose" shikamaru said 

team 10 ran out of the bush "wow imagine running into last years number 1 rookie, neji hyuga out here" ino said "can I have your autograph" shikamaru said neji sighed "oh it's you guy's" neji said in disappointment "yeah" ino said 'strategy 2 were you fall head over shoulder's over my beauty' ino thought "hi there, I've been wanting to meet you for a really long time neji, so hi" ino said thinking it will work "get lost" neji said and started walking away ino grew a tick mark on her head out of anger "what!" ino said 'he should've fell over by my beauty why didn't that work it makes me so angry I wan't to punch something' ino thought while punching the air. Neji stopped in his track's "did you just raise your fist to me, does that mean you want a fight" neji said and all of team 10 paled"no, no way, course not" ino said. neji turned to look "go away, even if I were to steal a scroll from you cowardly wimp's, everybody will just laugh at me for it" neji said and team 10 jumped into there bush "sound's good to me" ino said while jumping in 'pathetic' neji thought

team 10 were panting 'just as I thought someone like that wouldn't take a scroll from us unless we attacked' shikamaru thought "alright let's see if we can find some weakling's" ino said laughing "well yeah, I doubt we can find someone weaker than us" shikamaru said

(with team 7)

sakura was panting of fear over sasuki's body "wow some look out, your half asleep, at least you won't have to keep watch anymore, what's the point after we already found you, now wake sasuki up we want to fight him" dosu said while his team was a good 5 yard's away from sakura 'you will never get him you jerk's' sakura thought as she reached for her kunai pouch "what do you want, I know orochimaru is pulling the string's here" sakura said and the sound ninja team's eyes widened "what is that mark on the back of sasuki's neck, your behind this to arn't you and now you want to fight her when she can't fight" sakura said trying her best not to coward away "what was he thinking" dosu said "I can't stay quite after hearing that, first I will kill the girl then sasuki" zaku said and got up sakura was glaring at all of them

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