Chapter 22

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We had been laying under the stars for so long, that I had not even noticed the goosebumps starting to form on my arms. However, Clarke did.

"You're cold," She comments, sitting up.

"Hmm," I agree, suddenly incredibly tired.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," She pulls me up, as I groan.

"You do not have to do this."

"And why is that?" She questions, giving me a grin.

"I am the one who takes care of you, and I am not tired," I answer and she rolls her eyes.

"Like hell are you are," She answers. A yawn escapes from my mouth, blowing my cover, "And I knew you were tired." 

She drags me back to my room, staying as I got ready. I get in the bed, moving sideways, to make room for her. Assuming she wanted to stay. But she turns away, despite my assumptions. A bubble of hope pops as she goes to leave. 

"Clarke?" I call out gently, and she turns to face me, "Sleep with me?"

"Moving a bit fast arent we?" I go to protest but her laugh stops me, "Relax, I know what you mean."

To my pleasure, she gets in bed beside me, further apart then we have ever been. I longed to be close to her, to touch her, to hold her. But I could not force her, it would be unfair. So I bid her goodnight.

"Goodnight Clarke."

"Night Lexa."


I feel my eyes start to flutter awake as I feel something gently tickling my nose. My eyes open to realise the tickling sensation was caused by one of Lexa's stray curls. Which I had somehow made my way into. 

"Clarke," She whispers.

"Hey, I'm sorry for waking you," I whisper back.

"You didn't, I was up for a while."

"I didn't mean to get this close, I just move in my sleep," I try and apologise, even though I would kill to just be close to Lexa again, but she needed more time. Probably.

"It is fine, I wouldn't have minded even if you did it by choice," she replies, to my shock. It was a hint, that maybe, just maybe, she felt something for me.

"What are you doing today?" I ask.

"Initiate training I believe," She pauses, "If you would like, you can come with me?"

I grin, "You already know I'm in, Heda."

She gives me a smile, "In that case, we both must get up."

I groan, as my body stretches. I had a surprisingly good sleep last night, no nightmares or anything. Being with Lexa eased my mind I think. I watch Lexa staring in amusement as I grudgingly get ready. 

"Not all of us are morning people Lexa," I state, acting grumpy. Really, I was just glad to be spending more time with her, "C'mon, I want to see you acting like a teacher."

We walk out of the room, mindlessly chatting about anything. It's serene when I'm with her, the world dulls out and focuses on her. We reach a group of kids, who looked just above 12 if that. They all bowed as Lexa and I neared, and I noticed many of them looking at her with awe.

"Today we will be fighting; one on one," She announces as they turn to me.

"Wanheda..." one of them whispers, as I stand there uncomfortably. I wonder what these kids have been told about me.

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