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July 12, 2045

Aejeo hissed as he stretched, the tension pulling on his arm in an unpleasant manner. The kimchi stew he’d arrived home to the night prior had him in a peaceful bliss, completely content in his surroundings. Namja was in the bed to his left, snoring softly. Aejeo wanted someone to talk to, but he wouldn’t wake Namja, no. The leader could use the sleep. Instead, Aejeo stood, and made his way to the bathroom with a fresh pair of clothes.

He took less than twenty minutes in the shower, and toweled his hair dry on the way to the kitchen, where he could hear Seogi on the phone with someone. Aejeo would need the older’s help with his sling, unless someone else was awake by then. When Aejeo peered into the kitchen, he saw Ilseung sat quietly at the breakfast bar, with cereal in the bowl in front of him, and a newspaper on his left.

The maknae caught Ilseung’s attention with the wave of his good arm, and beckoned him over silently as Seogi continued to talk to someone. Ilseung abandoned his food, and made his way to Aejeo silently, a hand subconsciously raising to Aejeo’s elbow when he neared him.

“What’s up?”

“My sling,” Aejeo whispered, holding it out to the older. “I need help putting it on.”

“Sure,” Ilseung agreed, and strapped the device into place before maneuvering Aejeo’s lanky arm into it, to which the youngest sucked his teeth at. “Sorry, sorry.”

Aejeo groaned when the appendage was finally in place, happy that he at least didn’t have to move it anymore. “It’s okay, you didn’t hurt me.”

Ilseung smiled, before returning to his seat at the breakfast bar, Aejeo accompanying him this time.

Seogi sighed, hands splayed out on the counter in front of him, with his head bowed as he returned his phone to its place in his pocket.

“What’s wrong, Hyung?” Aejeo couldn’t help but ask. He was curious, after all.

“Mm, nothing,” Seogi’s voice was strained, even Ilseung could tell, but the latter kept his mouth shut. “Nothing, I’m fine. When’d you wake up?”

Aejeo checked his watch.

“Half an hour ago,” he answered distractedly, quick to bring himself back to what was making his hyung so uncomfortable. “Hyung, it’s not nothing. Who do I need to beat up?”

Seogi smiled sadly, and Aejeo called that at least half a win.

At least he’s smiling.

“It’s just a friend, don’t worry about it,” Seogi tried to brush it off, but Aejeo wasn’t having it.

“Hyung, it’s bothering you,” the youngest reiterated, as though Seogi hadn’t heard him the first several times he’d said it. “Of course I’m gonna worry about it.”

“Aejeo-ah,” Seogi said, suddenly serious; all business, just like Yoongi. “Drop it.”

Aejeo eyed Seogi a moment longer, before he silently sat back down beside Ilseung.

“Ah, Namja,” Seogi sounded a few moments later, and Aejeo could hear the smile in his tone. Aejeo peered up at the selectively-mute leader, and watched as Namja nodded slowly.

“Where’s Choijin-Hyung?” Aejeo inquired, louder than he’d liked.

“The gas station down the way,” Seogi replied with a smile, as though the conversation prior had never happened.

Ilseung flinched at the sound of heavy, incessant knocking at their front door. Aejeo watched the older singer get up, and answer it, only to hear the loud voice of his father.

“Aejeo-ah, where-” Jeongguk paused to catch his breath in their doorway, which had the remaining members rushing to the front door. “Where’s Aejeo?”

“Appa?” Aejeo rounded the corner of the hallway in time to see Yujeo collapse behind Jeongguk. “Yujeo-Hyung!”

The maknae surged forward, pushing past Ilseung, who was frozen in shock, and pulled his brother into his arms.

“Appa, what’s the matter with Yujeo-Hyung?” Aejeo’s voice was shaky as he spoke to his father. “What’s wrong with him?”

“Someone- Someone was tailing us,” Jeongguk explained, hand over his heart as he ordered Ilseung to call the police. “We wanted to surprise you, since you got discharged, and..”

Aejeo urged his father on, the suspense was killing him.

“Yujeo took a hit to the head, he probably only has a concussion,” Aejeo released a breath he didn’t realize he was holding at his father’s reassurance.

“You’re sure it’s only a concussion?”

“Certain,” Jeongguk wiped the sweat off his forehead with a groan. “Jeez, I haven’t run like that since my trainee days.”

“What were you running from in your trainee days?” Seogi’s brows furrowed as he inquired about Jeongguk’s past.

“Fans,” the retired idol answered simply.

“They’ll be here in five,” Ilseung reported as he entered the room again, phone clutched in a death-grip. Jeongguk nodded.

“Take a seat, Appa, you look like you’re about to pass out,” Aejeo tried. His father really did look a little worse-for-wear.

“Oh, I’m fine,” Jeongguk answered, showing his point by standing up straight and evening out his breathing. “Worry about your brother.”


Minyoung hummed softly as he watched his family leave his hospital room. His brothers had school, and his father had their mother to return to, which Minyoung understood. Minyoung would return to his mother if he could.

“Hey,” jarred him from his thoughts. He looked up to see Sung-Ji, and a girl. He didn’t know the girl.

“Hey,” he said back, waving. His smile was complete with his mother’s thin lips. “Who’s that?”

“Yung Minchi,” the girl introduced herself, stepping forward with an outstretched hand. Minyoung shook it, but didn’t understand why she hadn’t bowed upon entry like he had.

“Are you American?” Minyoung couldn’t help but ask with furrowed brows, his hand still clutched with Minchi’s.

Minchi sent a look back at Sung-Ji. “How’d you know?”

“Not many Koreans are natural redheads,” Minyoung started with a smile, he liked her. “That is if you are a natural redhead.”

“I am,” she responded, though sounding upset about it. “I’ve been here since I was five, I haven’t had the time or money to dye my hair.”

“Oh, you’re a patient?” Minyoung could’ve slapped himself, of course she was a patient there, couldn’t he see her hospital gown? Minchi replied this time with a curt nod.

“Anyway,” Sung-Ji shifted the awkwardness that’d settled in by holding a wrapping of gimbap out to his hyung. “Here.”

“Gimbap?” Minyoung’s smile grew as he peered back up at Sung-Ji, before digging into it.

“It’s your favourite,” Sung-Ji smiled then as well, teeth showing and all.

“I’d snap a picture of that,” Minyoung’s mouth was full as he spoke, but Sung-Ji didn’t seem to care.


“He doesn’t smile often,” Minyoung answered Minchi. “I’m Minyoung, by the way.”

Minchi copied Sung-Ji’s action of smiling, and giggled, surprising them both.

“I like your name,” she said in a way of answering.

“Likewise,” the trainees replied in unison, laughing loudly.

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