Chapter Thirteen - The Restricted Section

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Chapter Thirteen - The Restricted Section

     Castor got back to the castle within fifteen minutes of swift walking, not wanting to alert anything else that may be residing in the Forest of his presence. He made his way through the doors quietly, and he could hear the students yelling and laughing as they choked down sweets, proving that he was right about the amount of time he had.

He walked quickly out of the corridor and took a left, twisting and turning and taking what felt like forever to get to his destination.

     Then he heard a light cackling down the hall and quickly jerked himself to a stop. "This'll sure show those firsties, yes it will," Peeves snickered as he undid the screws on a chandelier. Castor closed his eyes in frustration, leaning his head back against the wall and contemplating what to do next.

He couldn't let Peeves see him, he would just go and report him to Filch in the Great Hall. . . but could he go around him? There was no hidden tunnels or pathways he could take to actually get around the annoying Poltergeist without being caught. He needed a distraction, but everyone was in the Great Hall.

     Castor rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out a rubber ball that he had brought with him from Malfoy Manor. He had never expected it to be useful in this kind of situation but it was the best shot he had.

He threw the bouncy object away from Peeves and watched it bounce down another corridor. When Peeves' head snapped up, he grinned in triumph and observed as Peeves began to skip on air over to the corridor. "Ohhhh little onesssss, I heard thattttttt--" Castor ran when Peeves got about halfway down the corridor.

     He looked behind himself quickly as he ran, seeing nothing. That is, until he heard a light creaking. He looked back up to see the Chandelier hanging above him at a dangerously low angle, swaying softly and making Castor gulp. The screws gave one last loud whine of protest before the entire thing came crashing down upon him.

Peeves definitely heard that.

     Castor looked behind himself one last time and saw Peeves, just begining to turn the corner and catch on to him, but the Slytherin skidded around the corner to the Library just in time, pressing his back against the wall and panting softly. Peeves was whistling, a taunting, slow scary song, he knew that there was someone there, and he was mocking them. Provoking them into coming out.

Suddenly the whistling just. . . stopped. Castor heard the sound of rushed footsteps, and without even a glance his way, Professor Quirrell ran straight into the Great Hall, practically kicking the doors open.

     Castor let out a breath at seeing Peeves thoroughly distracted, and then he ran his way down to the Library. He took out his wand, whispering "Alohomora," under his breath and then nudging the door open when the soft click filtered through his ears.

"Lumos," he whispered again and his wand lit up at the tip. He looked around carefully, he had to be sure that no one else was in there with him. When he confirmed that he was alone, he quietly tiptoed over to the Restricted Section. Castor stepped over the long rope blocking it off, the section that was forbidden seemed to have an entirely different atmosphere to it than the regular library. The air seemed to hum with energy, magic, and warning for him to step back. Maybe it was because he wasn't allowed to be there, but everything seemed a lot more intense than usual.

     Castor stuck his hand inside his pocket and pulled out the big Newspaper from it with a soft 'pop!' and looked down at it. He didn't have much to go by, he just knew that he would be looking for a book on something valuable, small, and something that a dark wizard or witch would want. But that wasn't exactly a small selection, loads of Dark Wizards and Witches wanted many different things. They were greedy and foul and would do anything to achieve their goals. . . Castor had no idea where to start.

He pulled books and books from their shelves, finding nothing about what he was looking for, and by the time twenty minutes had passed, Castor had skimmed through about fifteen different books, each proving to be as useless as the last. In frustration, he slammed the book in his hands closed, shoving it back into place with a hot breath and spinning on his heel. He didn't know what he was thinking, coming down to the Restricted Section when he had nothing to go on. Small and something a dark wizard would want didn't give him anything to work with. It was like using a sponge to soak up soap instead of water.

     He clenched his jaw, randomly grabbing another book and throwing it open to a random page. 'The Philosopher's Stone' it said. He narrowed his eyes and continued to read.

Nicholas Flamel and his wife are the proud owners of the Philosopher's stone, which produces an elixir like gold that makes the drinker immortal--

Castor's eyes widened, immortal, he thought. A stone that's elixir makes the drinker immortal. Small, magical, valuable, and--

Recently, the stone's whereabouts have become unknown. Nicholas refuses to give any information on it, only that it is safe and out of reach of those of ill intentions.

Castor smirked, hidden.

     Whatever that dog was guarding, there was a fat chance that it was the Sorcerer's stone. What Castor couldn't figure out, though, is why a Dark Wizard would go after the stone now? Why not just kill Flamel and his wife and take it then? Why not when the stone was vulnerable? Castor might have had some of the picture, but it was barely scraps compared to the real thing, and he was determined to figure out exactly what that was.


This chapter is a pretty short one, I'm super tired though so I kind of rushed through it.

Castor is proving himself to be a lot smarter than our Golden Trio (we still love them anyway), I wonder how Harry will react when he finds out that Castor knew all along what was hiding under that trapdoor and just didn't tell them.

As always, I hope you enjoyed and if you did, please leave a vote and a comment and have a lovely day!


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