Chapter Five - The Wicked Ones

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Chapter Five - The Wicked Ones

Castor was in awe at the sight of the school. Well, it was more of a castle than just a simple school. He stepped off the train, The Weasley Twins and Lee following behind him as they chatted loudly.

His plain boots meshed into the slick mud, and Fred quickly caught him as he slipped, "alright there, Cassy?" He nodded absentmindedly, too distracted by the sight of a large man -- at least ten feet tall -- waving everyone over. Fred and George gave him matching grins and small thumbs-ups, "we'll be over there."George nodded to where the other years were going.

"Don't worry--" Fred Said.

"You'll be fine--"

"Just watch out for the giant squid--"

"Don't want to be caught up in those tentacles!" They chorused as they walked off.

"Firs' years! Firs' years, over here!" Castor followed the sea of first years over to the giant man, his stomach twisting with nerves and anticipation. The night was pitch black with stars taking up every bit of it, the nearly full moon cast a glowing light down onto the towering castle and illuminated certain parts of the huge Lake they were headed to. "C'mon, follow me -- any more firs' years? Mind yer step, now! Firs' years, follow me!"

They followed Hagrid down a winding slope, slipping and sliding and nearly tripping a couple times before someone had to catch them. Needless to say, a couple of first years were covered head to toe in mud by the time they got to the boats by the shore.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid said as Castor climbed in, ending up sitting next to a girl named Luna Lovegood as well as some other first years.

She gave him a small smile, and he managed to give her a little quirk of his lips in response.

"Everyone in?" Hagrid shouted from his boat, when he heard multiple chimes of yes's he nodded to himself, "right then -- FORWARD!" All at once the fleets of boats took off, zooming at a pace that Castor found quite enjoyable. Like quidditch, he thought.

"Heads down!" Hagrid ordered as they passed under a curtain of ivy covering the mouth of the mountain that the Castle sat upon. Castor bent his head down, feeling the plants tickle the back of his head as they headed down a dark tunnel. The tunnel seemed to go on forever and barely anyone made a sound, scared they might wake something below them. It was pitch black, nobody being able to see a thing.

They finally made it to the harbor where the boats docked and the students climbed out one by one, Castor helping the girl called Luna out of it when she stumbled as he examined everything. The docks were slightly damp, water obviously having splashed up on them when the boats parked. Vines climbed up and down the stone and small torches lit the way to another opening.

"Oy, you there! Is this your toad?" Hagrid picked up a large toad in his giant hands, looking over at a chubby boy with messy dirty blond hair. "Trevor!" The boy cried in relief, rushing over to Hagrid and taking the amphibian out of his hands, cuddling it to his chest. "Right then, c'mon--" Hagrid waved them over to the passageway, "this way!" They walked down the tunnel, more torches lighting the way and providing some warmth in the damp area before they made it onto Hogwarts grounds, coming out of the tunnel and onto sleek, wet grass.

"Everyone here? You there, still got your toad?" Neville nodded.

Hagrid raised his humongous fist and knocked on the large castle door three times.

The door was opened instantly, an aged yet healthy woman standing there, her few silver hairs contrasting against the dark bun on her head. She wore emerald-green robes and had a very stern looking face, as though she didn't smile much. "The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said.
"Thank you, Hagrid, I will take them from here." She opened the door wide and waved them inside with the wand in her hand, they followed instantly into the warm air.

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