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Chapter Three

"What the fuck is wrong with you Malfoy," I say as I try to push him and walk away from him but he grabs me and pins me again while smirking " Trying to leave so soon riddle?"

"What do you want, you fucking psycho!" I yell in his face, He angrily grabs my throat not allowing me to breathe. "First of all don't fucking talk to me like that you fucking slut, You need to fucking respect me do you understand?" I try to speak but I can't get a single word out. I nod and he lets go of my throat as I fall to the ground gasping for air, He grabs my arms and pulls my body back up.

" Don't talk to that filthy mudblood and those blood traitors every again" he demands

I push him away from me causing him to stumble back a little "You can't tell me what I can or can't do Malfoy... you don't fucking own me" I say angrily in his face

"How much do you wanna bet I do own you, so disobey me one more time and you'll regret it riddle," He says as he grabs my cheeks making my lips pop out, then he slightly pushes my face away and starts walking back to the great hall. A tear runs down my cheek...

what he just did reminded me of my father.

I sit back on the ground my knees up to my head as tears start running down my face thinking about all the things my father did to me, then I feel someone sit next to me, I look up from my knees to see a boy with brown hair in a Hufflepuff r0be next to me.

"What's wrong beautiful," he asks I jump a little until I quickly wiped my tears away and stand up.

He stares at me until I say "I'm sorry but I should get going" but as I'm walking away he grabs my hand lightly and tells me as he looks into my eyes "I hope whatever is wrong gets better, I'm Cedric by the way... I hope I'll see you soon"  as he pulls mean for a soft hug before he walks away with a smile.

I couldn't help but smile as well, being in his arms made me feel warm and safe. I thought about him as I walked back to my dorm room to get my books and wand.

Draco Malfoy

I saw him... fucking touch her... rage fills my body as my hands turn into fists. I quickly walk in the direction Diggory went.

I finally catch up with him, He was already chatting with 3 other girls I yell "Stay the fuck away from Elizabeth, Diggory" which makes him flinch as he turns away from the girls and looks towards me.

He starts laughing and says "who are you... her fucking babysitter? I think she's old enough to make her own decision don't you?"

His laugh was gone as soon as I knocked him to the ground blood coming from his nose while I snap back "It doesn't fucking concern you... just stay the fuck away from her you hear me"

I walk away before he has the chance to respond, knowing that if he opened his fucking mouth once more I would have lost it completely. I couldn't stop thinking about her which made me even more furious, I hated that she made me feel like this.

Whatever this feeling was.

Elizabeth Riddle

I grabbed my books and wand and start walking to my first class which is charms with Professor Flitwick and of course, I was the last one to enter the class but Surprisingly I wasn't considered late. I look around to find where to sit But there were only two seats available, one at the back of the class next to Draco and one in the front of the class next to a random Gryfinndor girl.

Of course, I sat at the front of the class there is NO way I would voluntarily sit next to Draco. The whole time in class I felt as if someone was watching me, I finally look around the classroom and I see Draco staring at me. He was completely out of it, he didn't even notice me looking at him.

When class Finally was over, I walked out of the classroom and I'm halfway down the hallway I noticed that I didn't have my wand in the pocket of my robe. So I turn around and walk back to class, But I stop at the doorway when I see Draco walk towards the table I was sitting at and grabs my wand, he stared at it for a bit until he starts walking towards the door.

I ran as fast as I can to get away from him making sure he does not see me, I then go into an empty classroom and wait until I see that Draco has passed and then I walk toward my next class.

That day was so boring that I mostly dozed off in every class and didn't get any work done, I got 5 house points taken from Slytherin for "losing" my wand which made me furious because Draco had the chance to give my wand back to me at that moment but no he acted as if he never even got it.

Finally, it was dinner time, I was starving since I never got to eat breakfast because of the shit Draco pulled in the morning. I sat away from people again... I just wanted to eat and get things over with so that I could go back to my dorm room but pansy and her "friends" sat around me. When I would reach for food the girls would block me from grabbing some, Pansy would laugh every time it happened.

I stand up while grabbing some food and throwing it at her, I imitate her laugh "now that's something to laugh about Parkinson" I say with a smile on my face. "How dare you throw food at me you fucking psycho I'm just trying to help you lose weight you pig," she says with a smile.

"Piss off pugface," I say as I walk away flipping her off.

I reach my dorm room and I lay on my bed as soon as I walk in, I let out a big sigh and I get up right away to take a shower.

I then change into a black oversized t-shirt with no shorts, and high dark green socks like I always do. I start doing my homework for my classes when I hear someone lightly knock on my door.

I go and open it but No one was around, I try to see if anyone was walking away but I saw no one. I was about to close my door when I see a box next to a plate with tinfoil on the ground.

I bring it inside and sit on my bed... I open the box and there was my wand I then take the tinfoil off the plate seeing that there was food. I then notice a note under the box that my wand was in "I saw that you left without eating anything ..." It takes me a moment to remember that Draco was the one that had my wand But why would he bring me food as well?

I try not to question it because I was starving so I ate the food while I was still working on my homework but it was hard to focus because all I could think about was Draco.

Soon I finish with all the homework I ended up falling fast asleep still thinking of him.


So I've seen lots of comments on this Chapter saying how Elizabeth is a Riddle and she could harm anyone or kill Draco for doing that (Basiclly saying she is acting weak) but you all need to understand the emotinal abuse she was going through/is going through at the moment. She dose not want to be or act like her father...that is one of her worst fears.

I just though I should make it clear <3

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