03: The Usual Tests

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     The drive to the facility is pretty much more or less typical when driving a woman who is capable of growing at any given moment. Not only does Dean need to keep his eyes on the road he also finds himself glancing over to ensure that Lily isn't gaining any inches. With her eyes glued to the screen of a handheld gaming system, one that had outlasted multiple competitors from what she had told him, there have been several times she has become so engulfed in whatever game that she is playing that she loses focus on maintaining her size.

     Several times he has had to remind her to focus when he catches her body inching upwards from a growth spurt; this, of course, gets an annoyed sigh from his charge. Luckily she has a habit of wearing clothes that are loose or baggy on her so that she fills them out instead of tearing through them. "I really wish that you would just stay focused on maintaining your size instead of playing that Game Guy, I have had to remind you to keep focused because you are putting too much attention into that thing."

      "It's a 'Game Boy,'" Lily corrects, "You would rather I just sit here, bored out of my mind as I stare out the window? I can do that, though my mind could start to wander; or even worse, I could start to doze off, we both know what happens when I fall asleep."

     "I still say that we should have you tested for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder," Dean comments as he turns off the main road and onto a dirt road.

     "Well, I have been tested for ADHD, among other things, multiple times and the results are all the same," Lily replies with a smirk, "by definition, my brain is normal."

     Dean shakes his head, knowing that there is no reasoning with the stubborn girl. She isn't doing anything that is going against the terms she has agreed to, she is just making the ride to a place that she does not want to go to more bearable. He looks over at her, noticing how she is between three to four inches taller than she should be, not in the mood to tell her that she needs to shrink back down to her normal height especially since they are so close to their destination now.

      An abandoned airfield can be seen off in the distance, only it does not look so abandoned now. Military personnel can be seen walking around, though not a lot. There is only enough to give the impression that it is a restricted area, deterring anyone who shouldn't be there from trying to enter. Now the airfield looks busy, all because of her arrival. Lily rolls her eyes as they approach the main gate, the only way in or out through normal means. "Do they really need this much firepower anymore? I mean, I am cooperating and I have proven that I'm not going to grow to the size of a skyscraper and go on a rampage."

     "Just a safety precaution," Dean answers casually, "a show of force to put personnel's minds at ease when you are here. Dean pulls up to the checkpoint, looking at the soldier who is standing there.

     The soldier approaches the window, wearing a typical uniform with her name on it and her black hair tied back in a bun, she has a serious look on her face. She looks over at Lily, seeing her in person for the first time. She is busy playing a brick of a handheld gaming system, her bare feet propped up on the dashboard. She has heard plenty of stories about this woman, how her body is in a constant state of growth. Everything she has heard about her is rumors, whether they are true or not is another story. Everything else about her she has seen on the news or read in articles online. She is still exercising caution around her, knowing that she is capable of growing to immense proportions at any given moment. "Morning, sir," she finally says as she turns her attention towards the driver.

     "Morning, Private," Dean responds as he shows his id.

     The private nods at Dean while signaling for the gate to be opened, "Have a nice day."

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