Chapter 11

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"Deer!" Max shouts from beside me.

"Rabbit three o'clock." I reply, "three..." we both point in sync. I hit the deer straight in the eye with the silver arrow and he tosses the knife at the rabbit stabbing it right in the heart. He almost reminds me of a girl I once saw in my parents first games... I believe her name was Clove... She thought it would be exciting to cut a lizzard into three for aim practice... Than she decided to go off and slice half my mom's eyebrow off. Exciting right?

 I feel my face move into a sarcastic smirk as I begin to cook the deer. A cannon sounds right as I take me first bite.

 I look Max in the eye... "Less... Is more." I whisper trying to smile... but nothing keeps walking when death is in the middle of their path.

 "When did you see Molly last?" Max asks.

 "Before I found you I think... Well the day before I found you... She is being protected by the carriers... Guess she is the only one who knows the way to find us. One of the girls seemed very attached to her."

 "Funny... The weakling becomes the strongest." He replies.

 "Or she is using the strongest to fight for her..." I tink back to seeing Molly in the center of the crowd... she didn't look like her self, "She was in the middle... Stella didn't look too happy about it... A girl was protecting her..."

 "Rosie?" Max turns abruptly at me and I freeze still.

 I manage a nod but feel like I am going to throw up.

 "Listen to me. We need to kill Stella... That is our main goal... She is our biggest problem right now, understand?"

 I nod once again wanting to lean in close to him... To forget about these stupid games... To just get it over with.

 He leans in as if he could read my mind and letsvour lips lock gently before pulling away... A kiss to let me know I am not alone.

 "Just don't become hijaked like my dad and I will do anything you say... Even if I have to jump of a cliff." He smiles a little at my reference to my parents messed up life and romance.

 "I won't." I smile and hug him tightly resting my head on his shoulder.


 "I promise."


 We make our way to what the map says to be Spring Falls.

 The water is warm n our bare feet as we search for a cave or tree to hide out in for the next few days.

 "Found it!" Max shouts from across the pond. 

 I run anxiously towards him splashing through the water. I reach him and look up towards the waterfall... At first I see nothing but the waterfall plumeting towards the pond or spring below... Until there right behind the waterfall itself is a small cave probably as big as the one my parents found in their first game.

 "Come on!" I lace up my boots and grab my back pack at the shore.

 We begin to climb the large rock steps careful to not put our feet on loose boulders. The mountaious rock formation crates sort of strong step latters that look like large five foot long stairs leading behind the waterfall or up towards the top of the mountain.

  The cave is dim and damp but it will make suitable shelter for Max and I.

   I hear a groan and look back as Max falls to the floor gritting his teeth... I see the blood stain on his pants and remember his wound.

  "Max!" I run towards him in the long length of the cave, "Max!" I see the look in his eyes and know he can't hide the pain from me any longer.

 "I should have said something... I just didn't want to worry you." He replies wincing as if each word takes an extreme amount of energy.

 "Worry me? Max this worries me! Are you nuts, we traveled atleast a hundred miles and you think I am worried? Try terrified!" I can here the distinct sound of anger in my voice and slow my breathing before I start back up, "You need help... Here let me see."

 I move towards his legs and take a deep breath in before unwrapping the torn cloth from his bleeding leg.

 I almost faint at the site of the oozing puss and blood spilliing out slowly... This is what we were avoiding... Infection.

 "Max... I am gonna drag you over here okay I want you to put your leg up on that rock." I grab his arms and drag him towards a small boulder in the corner.

 I grab the soiled bandage and take it outside to rinse under the waterfall.

 The crimson blood dies my hands as it rinses out of the thick fabric.

 I make time by tearing off a piece of my shirt with the knife in my back pack and drench it under the water.

 I carry it to Max carefully, dabbing his wound with the wet cloth... trying my best not to barf on it.

 "Ouch! Rosie just face it... There is nothing you can do... If the infection doesn't kill me, I will likely bleed to death." He screeches out these words and my heart stops... He can't die.

 "No! You won't die... I won't let you... Or you atleast won't die without me by your side... We will find a way to get us both home, understood?" He winces as he nods and I notice the sweat dripping down his forehead, so I help him take his shirt off so I can wet it and place it on his head. 

 The sweat damp T-shirt draped across my hands and makes my blood go cold as the voices boom over the speakers.

  "Rosie... It looks like you could use some help... Stella looks like your just dying to live, huh? You there, yea I am talking about you John... You could go for some help. Well we have just the remedy a feast will take place at the first cannon tomorrow... Take it or leave it. Oh and by the way, May the odds be ever in your favor." The voice sent chills through my spine until they touched my head.

  "Rosie don't make your moms mistake..." Max whispered.

  "I have no other choice..." I smiled and began to grab my things but his arm caught my ankle and pulled me down. I caught myself with a jerk.

  "You won't Rosie... You can't."

  "I must." I mouthed these words making the breath form a sort of guide to what I was saying. 

  I filled both mine and Max's waterbottles and left them next to him along with some cloth for a bandage and other necessaties... Beef Jerky, Sleeping bag, etc. 

  I was about halfway to the door before I remembered one final thing. 

  I turned around quickly and ran towards Max.

  "I love you to the moon and back." I kissed his lips passionatley before pulling away and running at full sprint towards the exit... But I sware as I rounded the corner I could here him whisper, "I love you past the moon and back."


  Sorry it took so long to update this school has been bussier than ever! But I love you all dearly and hope you enjoyed this short but worth it chapter! Adios amigos! God Bless!

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