Author's Note/ Acknowlagements

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  It took me basically a year to write this book, and if it wasn't for the support of my readers I would have never finished it. This book is literally my baby! And I can't believe it is finished! I am so excited I got to share this story with you guys. I am such a huge fan of Suzanne Collins and it was amazing to get to finish a fan-fiction of her amazing story. I am in shock at the amount of support you guys gave me, and amazed at the amount of friends I have gained on this wonderful website known as Wattpad!

  I want to thank everyone of my followers, and my friends who put up with me not answering their texts for a solid year! I want to thank my English teacher Mrs. G for telling me I had a brain like Einstein and my third grade teacher Mrs. F for telling me I was an amazing writer, and for showing me the path to writing. I want to thank Leslie and Katherine for my wonderful trailer! Follow them at @mara_dyer for Les and @JohnGreenLover for Kath. Thank you Daddy for teaching me how to write, and thank you Mommy for putting up with my constant computer action. Thank you Jordan for being so supportive and the absolute bestfriend/sister. Thank you Breie for being my wonderful second mommy and sister and just supportive go to person when I had writers block! Thank you Andrea for reviewing everyone of my books! Thank you Megan and Lizzie for editing my book! And thanks to you reader for reading my book!

  I hope you enjoyed this wonderful story as much as I did.

  The second book should be up soon!


      Anabelle Grace

Daughter (Hunger Games Fan-Fic) {Watty Awards 2015} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now