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Harry trudged down the school corridors, his school bag secured on his back and Rose by his side who was anxiously awaiting the teasing comments in regards to her brother's obviously beaten hands.

"What did Katya say when she saw your hands?" Rose asked quietly and Harry managed to smile at Rose's clear fascination about his friend.

"She didn't say anything. She bought me a hot chocolate though," Harry admitted and Rose's grin grew at the information.

"Daddy called her a street rat last night which was wrong," Rose whispered sadly, looking up at her brother to judge his expression.

"Yeah well he's wrong about a lot of things," Harry whispered back before waving goodbye to Rose and walking further down the school corridor.

As he walked through the halls he could feel eyes on him, hear the menacing whispers followed by mocking giggles and remarks.

"What happened Styles? Not so high and mighty now?"

Harry ignored the stupid comments and walked into his home room to be greeted by even more stares and teasing grins.

"You should've seen them, two freaks if you ask me! Harry's an even bigger freak for trying to save them," Barbara giggled from the corner of the room, making Harry uncomfortable as everyone laughed.

"Here he is, Saviour Styles!" Hugo announced mockingly to the class as Harry took his seat, trying his best to ignore the clear attempts to aggravate him.

"Apparently the girl was a communist!"
"I wouldn't be surprised, my mother says those communists are dangerous and aggressive!"
"I think the owners had every right to throw them out, who wants to be seated near freaks like them!"
"They would put you off of your lunch! What boy wears makeup?"
"Did you see the boy wearing makeup? He had blue eyebrows!"
"That girl represents the scum of the earth and everyone knows it."

As Harry began to take his books out the entire class gasped at the sight of his beaten hands and his cheeks burned even more with embarrassment.

He tried his best to ignore the ongoing commentary about himself and his friends, trying his best to keep his cool despite the jocks, led by Hugo, trying to provoke him at every opportunity.

"Wow, Styles you are well and truly whipped," one boy joked and everyone began to laugh as Harry hid his hands as best as he could.

"I was going to adjust my belt there but I wouldn't want to trigger you," another boy teased, slapping his friend's shoulder as he laughed obnoxiously.

"You are all pathetic, leave him alone," Stacey chirped up, nervously adjusting her glasses as she spoke and Harry offered her a grateful smile.

"Regretfully I think there has been a misunderstanding," another boy imitated Harry's words to the police officer, emphasising his English accent which caused even more laughter in the room.

Hugo sat facing Harry now, desperately trying to gain his attention but Harry continued to ignore his stupid remarks until Hugo wiped his desk clean and Harry's books fell on the floor.

Harry tried to keep his cool, wanting to appear completely unbothered and so he took a breath and looked up at Hugo with a neutral expression.

"Did you want something?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows, staring into Hugo's eyes with such integrity that it slightly threw Hugo off of his game.

UNPREDICTABLE - Harry styles Where stories live. Discover now