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❝i let myself fallback into your eyes

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i let myself fall
back into your eyes.

     The storm continues outside as we sit anxiously outside a conference room. We as in residents, attendings, and nurses. Death is never easy for me, but it's part of the job. Some die and others live. We never know when it's gonna happen; it's what keeps us on our toes all the time. Today reminded me just how much I hate death.

     "Someone's getting fired." Reed comments referring to the patient we lost today.

     "Stop it." April reprimands, her face and voice holding fear and anxiety in them.

     "She wasn't even my patient." Charles mutters. Cristina shouting a 'what' immediately after. "Nothing."

     Inhaling deeply I shuffle around in my seat to try to get comfortable. My eyes roam around the hallway before stopping on a pair of ocean colored ones belonging to Jackson Avery who's sitting directly across from me. He flashes me a quick smile at my annoyed face which makes me shake my head lightly before turning to my right at Lexie who's already looking at me with a teasing smile and raised eyebrows.

     "Stop." I whisper with a glare before leaning my head on her shoulder.

     "How long is this gonna take?" Alex asks from my left.

     "Why, you need to make a phone call?" Jackson accuses evoking a snicker from Charles.

     Before I know it, Alex's out of his seat and grabbing Jackson's shirt. And in less than a second the quiet hallway is filled with shouts and chaos. Ollie, Owen, Mark, and Derek rush to separate Alex and Jackson while Lexie shoots up from her seat to argue with April. Meanwhile, I groan at the fight that's making my headache worse. My hand reaches up to rub at my temples just as Chief Webber comes out of the conference room.

     "That's enough! I said enough!" He shouts effectively silencing the yelling residents. "What happened here tonight, what happened to that patient, was inexcusable. And we're gonna be here till I find out who's responsible for it." He reprimands as we all avoid eye contact choosing to stare at the floor instead.

     "So until then, you will sit down. You will shut up and you'll wait to be called."

     "Hunt." The said ginger follows after Webber leaving the rest of us to wait for our turn. Lexie returns to her seat releasing a sigh at what just happened. I bring my legs up onto the seat bending them in front of my chest as I lean my head on Lexie's shoulder again. Closing my eyes, I try to take a nap but don't get far when Alex decides to open his mouth again.

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