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❝i let myself want you,i let myself try

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i let myself want you,
i let myself try.

Stepping out of my white Sedan, I slam the door shut and let my eyes wander the crowded parking lot of what is now Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. It's the first day of the merge and I'm already contemplating getting back in my car and driving as far away as possible. But if I do I'll lose my job to a Mercy Wester and that's the last thing I want, so I drag my feet to the entrance where Cristina's watching with a bitter look on her face as workers officially change the sign in front of the hospital.

"Can you believe this?" Cristina asks as I stop next to her.

"Tell me about it. The day didn't even start yet and I already hate it." Cristina makes a sound of agreement and pulls me towards her just as a Mercy Wester dressed in orange scrubs run past us. Unfortunately, not fast enough as the impact of his body makes the to-go cup of coffee drop from my hand onto the cement ground. "Dude! You owe me another cup of coffee!" I yell after him.

Cristina and I share a look of disbelief before speed walking into the hospital so we're not late for our shift. Going our separate ways, I walk into one of the locker rooms where residents are getting ready for another busy day of saving lives.

"Hi, Iz." Receiving a smile in return, I step around her and put my stuff away in a cubby. Hearing Izzie speak up behind me, I turn my head to my right to see a Mercy Wester with red hair in a pixie cut putting her bag in George's cubby.

"Oh, hey. You can't put that in there." Izzie tells her before I can.

"Oh, they told us to grab a cubby." She answers not making any move to stop.

"Yeah, we know." I speak up making her eyes shift from Izzie to me. "We keep it empty for a reason. Can you take you stuff out?"

"There are some empty ones over there you can use." Izzie adds pointing to the other side of the room. The red haired girl stays silent for a second looking between Izzie and I before shaking her head no.

"I don't think so."

"I said take it out."

"Great. I got the crazy one next to me."

"What the hell is your problem?" I ask taking a step closer to her just as Izzie loses her cool.

"Oh, you want to fight? Cause I will." Getting up from her seat, Izzie walks up to the redhead easily towering over her. "I will fight you. You're pretty tiny. I could take you down in just a couple of seconds."

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