Prolouge, Part 1

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     This was not how Scott had planned his day going. That said, he really hadn't planned his day out, but he knew this probably wouldn't have been on his schedule. I mean, when had things ever gone to plan in Scott's life, but this was something much more foreign than he expected.

     He woke up feeling weird. He didn't really know to describe it, but you know when you visited the park as a child? You would go down those plastic slides, and the next person you  touched would shock you. That moment before you touched someone, that feeling of energy, that expectancy of pain. That's what Scott felt like.

     He wasn't the only one to feel this way. Little did he know, but there were a couple of other people who woke up with this feeling. Derek, Stiles, Lydia, Sheriff Stilinski, Parrish, Melissa, Malia, Liam, and Kira all felt that same nervous energy.

     Well, there was one more person who felt this way. None of the people previously mentioned knew her. But she knew them. She had been following their lives for quite some time. They were some of her favorite people. Her favorite characters. She cared for them, but not in the you would care for a loved one. Nothing thrilled her more than watching them suffer. She was not unlike the nogitsuni, she fed off their strife and pain.

     She wondered if this meant that her love for them was null. She thought she cared for them. She cried when they died, but she was always eager for the pain that she knew would follow.

     Scott knew none of this. All he knew was something weird was happening in his Geometry class. One minute ago, his teacher was writing on the white board, something about triangles. Then it happened. Time seemed to slow down. The teacher continued writing, but it was as if he was in slow motion. One of his classmates threw a paper ball into to the trash. It made a slow, graceful arc. Then finally, the world slowed to a stop.

     Scott got out of his seat. "He-Hello?"  Nobody seemed to hear him. All his peers just continued to stare, unfeeling. None of them moved; they were frozen.

     "Hey, dude, can you hear me?", he waved his hand in front of a classmate's face. The boy continued to stare, unblinking, as if paralyzed.

     "Shit," he cursed. Then he heard commotion in the hall. 'So there are other people,' Scott thought.

     Scott exited the classroom to find his friends in the hallway. They were, understandably, freaking out. Scott rushed over to them, happy to see he wasn't the only one capable of moving.

     It started before he could reach the group. There was a CRACK, like glass breaking, and they looked down in shock to see a long slice in Lydia's arm. She lifted it up. Golden light escaped from the wound, however she did not seem to be in pain.

     There was another  loud crack, and the group swerved around to stare at Liam. His face had a large crack, straight down the middle, like a broken china doll.

     Then, whatever it was, seemed to pick up speed. The hallway was full of cracking and gasps of shock.


     Just when it seemed there was no where left the break, Liam combusted. There was a loud, final crack, an burst of light, and then he was gone. The others soon followed suite.

     The same phenomena was being experienced by the Sheriff, Melissa, and Derek.

     The world continued doing nothing. They were still frozen. And all was silent.

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