Prolouge, Part 2

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a/n... soooo this chapter is very long... you might just wanna skip idk...

Stiles couldn't help but groan when they all appeared in the movie theater. Not that he wasn't glad to be alive, he was thrilled to still be breathing. But he just wasn't in the mood today. It was very inconsiderate that his kidnappers hadn't took his current mood into account when planning this. They could of at least checked in before hand.

'Hey bro, we were planning on kidnapping you later, do you think you'll be up to it?'

'Hey man, I appreciate you asking, and I am touched that you would consider kidnapping me, but I am really not doing so hot. Do you think you can reschedule?'

It would have been that easy. So not only has Stiles and his friends been kidnapped, but they had been kidnapped by lazy, inconsiderate, loser criminals. Perfect.

Stiles went to check on his father. He appeared to be ok. He watched his father check his holster, only to realize his gun was gone.

"It's gone. My gun is gone," He growled that last part.

"Hey, Deputy," He called to Parrish, "You carrying?"

Parrish realized his gun was gone as well. He shook his head 'no' at John, and went to check on Lydia.

"You'll find that all your weapons are gone. Your guns, your knifes, your tasers, basically anything that will assist you in a fight. That of course includes your powers," She said to the groups shock.

The girl appeared to be a young teenager. She was tall, taller than most of them. She wore black basketball shorts, a blue tank top with a rainbow on it, and a brown Carhart Jacket. Her hair was thrown up in a messy bun, but not a stylish one. It was like she had rolled out of bed like that.

The girl had brown hair, with frizzy, curly flyaways that framed her face. She had green eyes and a 'don't fuck with me' expression. She looked strong, and surprisingly intimidating.

She looked down at her outfit, and looked back at the group. "You seriously didn't expect me to dress up for you shanks?"

When she said that last word, her eyes locked with Stiles. He felt himself grow faint and felt bile claw his way up his throat. It had been a some time since he had heard that slang.

The group looked at her in confusion before Derek spoke up, "How did you take our powers? What are you?"

The girl smiled, and some of the group suppressed a shiver. It looked more like she was baring her teeth than actually smiling.

"I'm something you've never seen before," She walked towards them, "But no more about me. We are on a tight schedule, so we better get chopping."

"Who the hell are you? What do you want from us?" Stiles chocked out. The werewolves in the room swiveled to look at him. His heart was beating way out of control.

"Well, first off, I'm Four. As for what you're doing here... well, I just want you all to see different aspects of your lives, possibly from a different perspective."

"Plus," she added, "One of you has a very big secret."

At this point all the werewolves turned to stare at Stiles. It was obviously him. His heart beat was racing, and he looked to be on the verge of a panic attack.

"What is she talking about?" His father asked him.

"Do you want me to tell them, Tommy, or can you handle it?" She asked, smirking.

Stiles' eyes flicked up to hers. "Don't call me that," He spit at her, venomously.

She ignored him, "You see, Stiles here, is quite the explorer. He's traveled the multiverse."

The majority of them just looked confused, but Derek was in shock. His mother had taught him about the multiverse, and how its nearly impossible to summon, much less navigate.

"I bet he doesn't even know how it happened, poor soul. Basically, when Parrish was rounding up all the bodies of the Chimeras, the Nemeton counted them as sacrifices. Since there were so many bodies, the power was to much, even for the Nemeton. It overflowed, resulting in a crack in the dimensions."

"And thats when our favorite shank found it. Unlucky sod. He touched it and was sucked into a different dimension. Do you want to tell them what was on the other side or should I?"

Stiles thought he was gonna throw up. This was wrong. He didn't want his friends and family to know the atrocities he had seen, both ones he had created and ones he had been victim too.

Lydia didn't know what was happening. All she knew was that her friend was in distress. She put her hand on his shoulder, and he seemed to lean into the touch.

"Stiles entered a different version of Earth. This earth had been scorched by the sun, which caused a deadly disease called the Flare. The Flare would make you go crazy and kill others. When Stiles', or as he was known there, Thomas', generation was born, most of the children were immune."

"So a group of doctors bought and kidnapped a large group of kids. They experimented on them, trying to develop a cure for the disease."

"To put a really, really long story really, really short, Stiles basically led the group that destroyed the group of doctors, or WICKED, and rescued the rest of the children. Then the crack reappeared, he touched again, and he was back. No time had passed in your world. He just got up and went home."

Silence. Nobody spoke. Nobody knew what to say. Stiles just shrunk into himself. He didn't like being reminded of his time fighting WICKED. He was terrified of what his friends reaction would be.

" ......What?" Malia finally managed to choke out.

This is not to say the pack hadn't noticed a change in him. One day he just randomly buffed out. He started to run to school everyday. He was quieter. Even his fashion sense had changed. He started wearing more neutral tones and he always wore this weird necklace. While they were hanging out one day, Liam had jokingly flicked the necklace. Needless to say that he really regretted it later. Scott had to pull Stiles off of him.

"How is this even possible? Stiles, I'm your best friend, how could you not of told me?" Scott groaned.

Something in side of Stiles snapped. He moved closer to Scott and spoke urgently.

"'How could I not of told you?' Are you being serious right now. Scott, you're the last person I could possibly tell."

Scott was hurt and confused, "Why?"

"Because you're the true alpha! You would never kill anyone, you would never harm anyone. Well Scott, some of us have to live in the real world. Some of us have to get a little blood on our hands. I fought tooth and nail to survive, and you don't get to sit on your high horse and judge me! None of you do!" He shouted the last part, spinning in a circle to face everyone.

"Scott, I killed a lot of people over there," He finished, whipering painfully.

Whatever Scott had been expecting, this definitely wasn't it. He knew Stiles wasn't helpless but he couldn't picture him killing anyone. But here Stiles was, in front of him, confessing to it all. Scott didn't know what to think.

"Stiles.. You think we would hate you for this? It sounds like you saved lives." Kira said.

His father nodded his head in agreement of gave his son a hug, followed by Melissa.

"Aww, well this has been sweet and all, but we seriously need to get started. Plus you'll learn more watching videos. Althoughthe videos will not exclusively be Stiles time on the other side"

They wiped any remaining tears and sat down.

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