Chapter 2

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A/n.. I'm giving this a try. I'm sorry if this whole story is out of character, I'm trying my best. Remember, italics are song lyrics, bold describes the clips of the video, and normal is their reactions. The credit goes to the very talented person who put this video together, kudos I cry evertime I see it.

Also when I originally thought of writing myself in the story, I thought I would their friend, but I decided to let it flow, and see which direction it went. I am happy to say, that nearly getting into a fist fight with one of the characters is much more refreshing.

"Okay guys, moving right along. The next video will show some of Stiles time in the Maze World." Four said, turning on the screen. Newt and Thomas filled the entire screen.

Stiles felt like retching the moment he looked up.

"No. Absolutely not. Can-can you turn that off. Now." He said walking away from the group, with his head down, unable to look at the screen.

The screen returned to its original, ink black and Four turned to Stiles.

"What? Don't like what you see? How rude, I always found him to somewhat attractive?" She said, with mocking concern.

"No. We're not doing this. Is this a game to you?" Stiles accused. She shrugged, but before Stiles could say anything Scott interrupted them.

"Everybody take it easy," he put hands on both their chests, stepping between them. He didn't think they would start throwing punches, but he wasn't totally sure.

"Don't touch me, asshat," She snarled, and Scott stepped back. He instantly regretted it when Stiles stepped forward.

"What did you say to him-"

"Enough. Everybody better chill the hell out or I swear to God, powers or not, I will beat you all to death," Lydia threatened.

They all took a step back, but Scott stayed in the middle of them. When Four spoke again, she was less sarcastic, but still condescending. Scott was beginning to think that was just the way was.

"This is meant to be a kindness, do you remember all the nights you begged to see him one more time? I know you have no pictures, no videos, not even a drawing of him. I know that some nights you refuse to fall asleep, in the fear that when you awaken, his memory will be gone,"

Welp. This was suddenly veering way off the tracks, and directly into the delves of his darkest nightmares. He refused to let his eyes wander away from the girl's face, fearing his friends expressions. God, he hated group therapy.

"Stop acting like you know me. You know nothing." Stiles spat.

Four said nothing. She extended her arm, and referenced at the chairs. She stared coldly at them, making it clear this was not up for negotiation.

All of them but Stiles made their way over to the seats. They didn't sit, but instead watched Four and Stiles.

Four still had her arm outstretched, but her eyes were focused on Stiles. They seemed to be communicating with their eyes. Probably various threats, if they had to guess.

Finally Stiles made his way over to his chair. He walked like a man being escorted to his execution. Before he sat down, his father stopped him, and the rest of the group converged towards them, hungry for an explanation.

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