Chapter 1

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Sara lay on the beach of Lian Yu, she wasn't injured, just exhausted, she briefly wonders if Oliver managed to kill Slade or not and could be alive, but she quickly erases that thought from her brain. No point in dwelling on the past. Ollie's gone, I'm still here.

Sara picks herself up off the sand and began to walk into the shade, it felt wrong going back to the tents, Ollie wasn't there and she felt as though it belonged to him. It didn't. It didn't belong to anyone, in fact nothing on this island belonged to anyone, this island isn't even supposed to exist.

No one's there with her, it was lonely. On the Freider, she felt alone, she didn't have anyone to talk to. But at least there were people. Here, there was no one, just her.

Or so she thought.

Half an hour away a group of assassins are travelling to Lian Yu, Ra's al Guhl, The Demons Head, had told them to go there on a mission, he was vague which made, Nyssa, Heir to the Demon, a little bit suspicious. Her father usually gave her at least a little information.

The actual reason why she was there was only known by Ra's al Guhl and a future version of Sara Lance. Ra's knew about the affection she had for his daughter, he didn't mind that, as long as his daughter was happy. He was also a little excited to see his best warrior again, even if it was a younger, weaker, version of her. In the two years they'd known each other he'd grown used to her ways and started to enjoy her company a little more, he began to actually like her as a 'friend'. But Ra's didn't have any friends, especially his warriors, they were supposed to be afraid of him, not laugh alongside him while eating dinner. But yet, that is what he wanted to do with Ta-er al-Safer, and Ta-er al-Safer wasn't even afraid, even when he was shouting at her for doing something wrong.

Nyssa couldn't see anything, just the vast, blue ocean. She decided to look through her binoculars again. Mainly out of boredom. She was growing impatient, Nyssa and impatient don't mix well.

She spotted something in the distance, an island. The island that Sara was on. She put her binoculars down and headed over to the Captain. "Over there." Nyssa point to the island. She spoke fluent Arabic, everyone except guests and new members of the League did.

"Yes Nyssa." The Captain replies. He steers the boat towards the island and stopped, just before he hits the shore.

By now Sara had seen the boat and was sprinting across the island. She was good at running, fast but never seemed to run out of breath. Sara often had a lot of energy and barely sat still, it was only at the League (the first time) she'd managed to get her constant need to move around under control.

But now she was running, away from the sea, away from the boat. She knew she couldn't run forever, but she could damn well try.

She heard shouting from behind her, they were speaking Arabic, Sara knew that. Ivo had taught it to her. 

Her mind then shows her pictures of Ivo standing over her like she's just a piece of shit no one cares about. But she pushed them aside, she had to keep running, had to find somewhere to go.

But there was no where, just green, whoever these people were, they were after her. She wasn't afraid to die but she didn't want to. She wanted to live, and see her family again. She knew they'd probably never forgive her but she only wanted to see them once. But she could wait. Until these people were gone.

She found a place, it was in a tree, land mines surrounded it so at least anyone who dared come closer got blown up. The only downside was that she would get blown up too and they'd both be dead.

So right now she had her eyes closed and was listening, to the people. Their conversations. Understanding the Arabic.

"I swear I saw something move." A man says, in Arabic.

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