Empire City Part Two

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Last Time On Sonic Railgun..............

Breezie stands infront of a large door. She pushed them open. IN the next room, it was a large room that has a extremely large fighting ring. And their are tons of cameras floating in the air with special technology in them.

"Don't keep them waiting." Said Breezie.

All the members of the Freedom Fighters and as well as Sonic, Mikoto, Alan and Tails, slowly walked to the fighting ring. They got into the fighting ring just as the cameras begins to turn on and begins to broadcast live.

Then someone from the other side of the ring appears. The mysterious fighter has a green cloak on that is hiding his appearance. The only thin you can see underneath the hood part of the cloak, is his glowing red eyes.

"So that is the guy that is going to fight? Why would Eggman send only one fighter?" asked Alan.

"I don't know. But knowing Eggman for a while now, I suspect something strange about that fighter." Said Mikoto.

The fighter just stands there. Just staring at his fighters that he will be fighting soon. But he was staring at Sonic the most for some unknown reason.

"You know.... for unknown reason but I think that guy is staring at Mr. Sonic the most." Said Cream.

"I think you are right Cream but why is the question here." Said Mikoto as she noticed it too.

"Hey dude! Why are you focus on Sonic the most?" asked Alan.

The mysterious fighter slowly moved his eye sight to Alan to stare at him. After a few seconds, he shifted his eye sight back at Sonic.

"You know, before this fight starts, I would at least want to know what you look like before beating you into next week." Said Sonic as he stretches his arms. He was hoping that might get a reaction out of the mysterious fighter.

"Very well." Said the mysterious fighter as he finally spoke. His voice sounded strange for some reason.

The mysterious fighter grabbed a edge of his cloak and throw it away. From there, his true appearance was revealed. Sonic and the others gasped of who or what it is that is fighting them.

"What the.........!?" asked Alan.

"What the heck?" asked Bunnie

"Am I seeing things?" asked Mikoto.

"I didn't see this coming!" Said Nicole.

"Impossible!" Said Tails.

"Chao Chao!" Said Cheese.

"But... but that guy...." Said Amy.

"He is not a Mobian or human?" asked Antoine

"He is a robot!?" asked Rotor.

"And he kind looks like......." Said Cream.

"Like..... Like... Sonic!" Said Sally.

It was a robot but not a ordinary robot. This robot almost looks like a certain Mobian. The robot almost looks like.... Sonic! It metal structure is made up of a very strong metal alloy. It has red glowing eyes. It is Metal Sonic!

 It is Metal Sonic!

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