Chapter 3

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When you woke up sunlight was already streaming in through the kitchen windows. You blinked, shifting to stretch and flinching at the pain in your joints. You'd fallen asleep sitting up. Glancing down at the boy still laying on your lap, you couldn't help but smile as you brushed his fringe out of his eyes. He nuzzled into your hand and whined, the sound more of a grumble because of his naturally low voice. You glanced up at the windows, eyes flitting to the clock on the wall.

You sat bolt upright, a gasp leaving your lips. Yoongi was awake instantly, protectively leaning toward you while scanning the room for threats.

"What happened?" he said, words slurred together a bit from drowsiness.

"I'm late!" you leapt off the couch and sprinted into your room, door bouncing on its hinges as you tried to throw it shut behind you. "I need to open the cafe. Ugh, and the festival is starting today too!"

You paced your room, grabbing clothing items at random, already peeling off the things you'd fallen asleep in the night before. No time to wash up or do your full makeup, you thought, quickly tying your hair up in a messy bun. Hurrying to your bathroom you brushed your teeth and splashed some water on your face before applying mascara and a little bit of concealer.

"Yoongi, is my phone out there?" you called. He hollered back an affirmative. "Can you grab it and see if Jungkook has called? He's supposed to be working today, I'm sure he's wondering where I am."

You exited the bathroom, grabbing your top off the bed and pulling it on as you rummaged through the closet for your work shoes.

"You have three missed calls from him," Yoongi informed you, coming to bring you your phone. You didn't see him as he pulled up short at the door, face going bright red as he saw you stumble across the room trying to pull on your black skinny jeans. He quickly looked away and pulled the door shut as quietly as he could.

"Here's your phone, noona," he called through the door, still facing away.

You pulled the door open, completely oblivious. "Thank you, Yoongi!" You leaned on his shoulder as you pulled your second shoe over your heel. "If you feel up to getting dressed and coming out front, I'll introduce you to Kookie." You peered at his face, noting the bright flush. "Are you feeling okay?" you asked, putting your hand to his forehead.

"I'm fine," he said quickly. "You should go ahead. I'll be out in a bit."

You nodded, calling behind you as you headed out front, "Tell me if you aren't feeling well. I'll go buy some medicine."

Yoongi let out a breath and tried to pretend he hadn't noticed how good your butt looked in those jeans as you walked away.

When you emerged from the kitchen into the cafe you were shocked to find it open, with a few customers sitting and chatting at the small tables by the windows.

"Noona!" Jungkook greeted you cheerfully.

"Koo!" you responded, running over to wrap the tall boy in a hug. "Did you open by yourself this morning?"

"Yeah, I have a key. I figured you must've been really tired, so I didn't bother you. Is that new guy giving you trouble?" Jungkook asked, concerned. "I was going to go break the door down if you didn't come out soon."

"Yoongi is great, though I appreciate the concern. You didn't call Joon, did you?" you asked. He was already nervous about Yoongi staying with you. You really didn't want another lecture about being too trusting.

"No," he answered with a mischievous grin. "I didn't want to get you in trouble."

"I'm not worried about getting in trouble with my little brother!"

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