Chapter 6

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When most of your boys were sick, everyone involved was miserable. They required near constant attention from either you or one of the other guys, and whined like they might actually be dying. The only exception to this rule was Jimin, who just got extra sweet and cuddly when he was ill; and now, Yoongi.

Just when you thought the cat could not get any cuter, he managed to do it. With his sleepy, puffy eyes, extra pink button nose, and need to be near you all the time since he couldn't seem to get warm, he was just about melting you into the ground at every interaction. It had taken a lot of willpower to drag yourself away from him that morning. After several long minutes of coaxing you'd managed to untangle yourself from him and the mountain of blankets on your bed (which he had at some point started sharing with you almost every night.)

When you went back to check on him in the afternoon you found him shivering with a chill. You made him take some cold medicine in hopes he could sleep off the worst of it. Then you tucked his blankets tighter around him and he leaned into your warm touch.

"Noona, m'cold," he mumbled, face half obscured by his covers.

"I'll be back soon, sweetheart."

He whined pathetically as you pulled away from him, catching your sleeve and holding on like a lifeline. "Don't go," he said. He nuzzled into the bed further, attempting to drag you with him.

You sighed, willpower quickly failing you. It was the middle of the week, and business had been slow all day. What's the harm in quitting early? "Okay, let me go tell Jungkook I'm done for the day." You thought you heard a happy chirp, as he released you. Yoongi was less conscious of hiding his more cat-like traits when he was sleepy, drunk, or evidently, ill.

You returned to Jungkook out front, taking off and hanging up your apron.

"How is he?" Jungkook asked.

"Not so good. I think I need to go back and keep an eye on him. You okay to finish up on your own?"

"No problem, we've only got an hour til closing anyway. Go take care of him." Jungkook shooed you towards your apartment with a smirk.

You frowned at him. "What's that supposed to mean? What's with your face?" you asked, spinning to face him.

"I have no idea what you mean," he answered innocently as he pushed you through the door.

You rolled your eyes, but ignored him. As quickly as you could you warmed up Yoongi's tea, helping him sit up so he could drink it. The medication seemed to be taking affect, his eyelids getting heavy and his speech a little slurred. Yoongi was cooking you alive these last couple nights in his attempts to stay warm so you changed into a tank top and some sleep shorts. He handed you his now empty mug and you set it aside before crawling under the covers next to him. He immediately curled into you, wrapping his arms around your waist, tangling your legs together, and tucking his face into your neck just below your jaw.

He hummed contentedly when you wrapped your arms around him and stroked his hair and ears. You laid like that for a moment, his breathing slow and hot against your neck. You actively tried to not think about how his body was pressed up against yours, or how soft his lips felt brushing up against your throat with every intake of breath.

It was going okay until his lips pressed against your skin with a little more force. You stiffened a bit. He was asleep though, didn't even know what he was doing. You brushed his hair away from his face and scratched his back.

"Yoon?" you said softly, hoping he'd wake up a little. Instead, he pressed his lips to your neck again, and this time you felt the slight brush of his teeth as he placed an open mouthed kiss over your pulse. A gasp escaped your lips as the kisses became stinging. What the hell? Was he just biting you?

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