Chapter 4

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You woke up the next morning delightfully warm. You shifted to tuck your nose back under the edge of the blanket, but found you were curling into someone's back instead. Startled, you pushed yourself up on one elbow and blinked at the figure tucked against you. Your arm was wrapped around Yoongi's waist, legs tangled together. You blushed and quickly detached yourself from him. He let out an almost childlike whimper and turned to try and pull you close again, but you tucked the blankets around him and moved out of his reach. How could you invade his space like that? You must've drank too much.

The air was cold even through your sweats as you climbed out of bed. It was still early morning. You never slept soundly when you drank. Figuring you wouldn't be getting much more rest if you tried to go back to sleep, you started getting ready for the day. You quietly pulled out a simple fitted black dress and a baggy cardigan, creeping into the bathroom to slip them on over a pair of knit tights. After grabbing your work shoes you exited the bedroom, closing the door as quietly as you could so as not to wake a still sleeping Yoongi. The shop opened in about two hours, so you figured you could get some of the office work done before then.

You settled on the couch with your laptop and a notebook that held your accounts information, spending about a half hour making sure everything was balanced properly. You decided to spend the rest of the time reviewing your inventory and preparing the order for your supplier that month. As you stood to move to the kitchen, the bedroom door creaked open. A bleary-eyed Yoongi emerged, hair sticking up in all directions, partially obscuring his ears.

"Where'd you go?" he croaked, voice hoarse from crying the evening before. "Why didn't you stay?" His eyes widened as he took you in, already in your work attire.

"Am I late?" he asked, suddenly awake.

"No! No, you're off today."

"Really? Why? I can work," he said, almost sounding hurt.

"I have Jimin coming in today, don't worry. Why don't you work on your music today?"

He nodded, pondering. He seemed to acknowledge that it would be nice having some time to himself after yesterday's incident. You didn't mention the fact that you were trying to hold off a bit longer before introducing him to the other boys. They were a bit energetic for Yoongi at the moment. You feared that Jimin's affectionate nature would stress him out.

"Okay, well call me if it gets crowded. I can get ready and come out," he eventually said.

"Thanks." You smiled, walking over to ruffle his hair. "But don't worry, this is my job."

He mumbled some kind of acknowledgement, ducking his head but also pushing into your hand so you scratched his ears some more.

"Are you coming back here for lunch?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll eat with you. I usually go at two, can you wait that long?" He nodded. "Alright, I'll be back then." You turned and headed out front as he grabbed his bag and the bundle of papers you'd salvaged.

"Ah!" you exclaimed, turning on your heel. He jumped, looking at you questioningly. You hurried over to the bookshelf and pulled a notebook off of it. "Use this," you offered, holding it out to Yoongi.

"Thanks," he said, flipping through it and giving you a gummy grin. You suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to curl up next to him and ask him about his music. It felt like an actual tug at your heart, wanting to know the thoughts and feelings that he'd put to paper. You pushed the thought away, pulling your laptop closer to your chest.

"You're welcome," you said, turning to continue your way out front.

You went over inventory, finishing up about a half hour before opening. The order could be written up that night or the next morning so it could go out on Friday. You put your laptop aside and went out to the counter, making your regular coffee and Yoongi's. You also made breakfast for the two of you.

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