Chapter 1

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Author's notes:

Hey! Thank you for choosing my story! If this has any mistakes, forgive me, my fluent language is not English. If you don't like or don't feel comfortable with yaoi, don't read it.
Otherwise, enjoy the story and leave a comment for me to know what you think ^^


•Komaeda's POV ON•

I stared at the ocean waves playing with each other while the wind blew lightly on my face, leaving a comfortable feeling. The sun began to tint the sky a reddish hue, announcing his departure. I sighed, wondering if what I was going to do was really what I wanted, but I had no choice. My coat pockets were full of heavy stones that I found and kept throughout the day. Nobody will care anyways, why am I worried? My life doesn't make sense anymore, so I think there's only one way to end it all... I tried to think about everything calmly, but the nervousness in me at that moment was noticeable. What will happen next ..? It will be worth it? I looked down and kept looking for some reason to stop everything, some meaning in my existence. But the 'nothing' filled my chest and I was aware that I could no longer escape the inevitable. Leaving this world knowing that no one will really care about me, no one will regret not having enjoyed these moments.

"I guess it's time...", I forced a smile on my face as I murmured those words.

•Hinata's POV ON•

I was doing my normal walk before dark, the warm breeze was really satisfying. I would have to adapt to living on this island until it was all over at once. Togami and Hanamura's death still shook most of the students, leaving them completely suspicious of each other. I just wanted everything to be okay, that this killing game had never started and that we had been inseparable friends from each other. Dreaming is beautiful, but we can't go far. After all, why was I chosen for this? I shouldn't even have talent, so why? It's so easy to ask questions, but it is more difficult to get answers. While I was thinking about these things, I passed by the beach where I saw someone there, the silhouette seemed familiar, so I decided to approach. As soon as I entered the area, my shoes slowly sank into the sand. I looked more closely and saw him. The one who tricked me, who stabbed me in the back, leaving me wondering if he was really my friend in the first place. He was getting closer and closer to the sea and I wondered why. Nobody ever understands him, he always makes people so confused that I really think it's on purpose. When his shoes were already covered with salt water, he let out a weak laugh.

Then he jumped, making me act without thinking and run over there. If he's going to try to do what I think he's going to do, I need to stop him before it's too late. I immediately dove in and opened my eyes, looking for him desperately. When my vision reached him, I dove over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him up. He was heavier than I thought, his indescribable thinness says otherwise. The surface was still far away and I felt my stomach tighten. The fear of not being on time was terrible, enough to make me nervous. I concentrated and pulled more and more, almost losing my strength as I lost my breath. I put more focus on swimming than pulling him and it really helped. My head came out of the water, just like his, while I gasped for oxygen.I dragged his body to the sand and shook him in total panic. No reply. I moved my head close to his chest and noticed his breathing, I eased myself. His eyes slowly opened, making me sigh with relief. He sat up with difficulty, his head bowed.

"K-Komaeda..?", I called him by name, still panting, "Are you okay..?", He stared at me, looking nervous about something. Did not answer my question, which made me speak again, "What was this..? I was so worried, you know? You could have died-"

"That was my purpose.", he murmured. The shock hit me and the anger started to boil all over my body and the only thing I managed to do was slap him.

Why did I have to fall in love with you? (Komahina)Where stories live. Discover now