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"God da-" I cut myself off, sitting up realizing I was in my bedroom once again.

I groaned and slammed my body back down onto my bed. What did I do wrong? Why did I wait too long? That was the closest I had gotten to finishing everything!

This version felt different, like the last one. It wasn't a good difference, however. "I think this time I'm dying." I choked, looking at myself in my mirror.

I had puffy eyes and matted hair, my clothes felt loose from my lost weight, but constricting from the stress I was under.

This is all on me. This is my job. I have to fix everything this time. I have to say goodbye to them.

I quickly brushed my hair and teeth and got dressed before walking out of my house to go to school. I had to play it off as a normal day.

I walked to school, my body started tingling. I could feel static start to cling to my body. It had to be now, or it would be never.

"Shannon, how charming it is to see you." Layne smirked, she had walked towards me with her backpack over one shoulder.

"Layne, you are so dead." I said, lowering my voice so no one could hear us.

"If you really think you'll win without your entourage, I'd love to see you try. We have all day." Layne threw her bag across the courtyard, making me do the same.

Our eyes immediately started turning red and blue. The static that had clung to my body beforehand grew in size.

"It's always the same tactic! Fire, static, and pressure! You wonder why you always lose." She chuckled.

"I almost won the last time, I almost hit you before you said goodbye. I ran out of time." I grumbled, making a dome around us to fight in. Molten lava shielded our school and its on-looking patrons from any rouge magic bound to escape.

"I won't fight you back Carter, remember what I said? The plan is set in motion. One spell will click it on, my death is the token." She stood, straightening her outfit.

"You're contemplating, why?" Layne added, seeing me standing still. "You're the only person who can end this horrible life. Doesn't that sound wonderful? You'll be free of me! Just like you've always wanted!" She screamed, her eyes went wide, making the bags under her eyes become prominent. Layne Paa was going insane.

"You care so much about my outcome, that it's making you mental, Layne! I don't want to kill you, but it's the only way!" Tears glossed over my eyes.

"Do it."

"What?" I was flabbergasted.

"Do it!"

"Layne! It's not fair of me to kill you when you can't fight back! It's against the laws! Please, we've been through so much together! 16 years Layne! I've spent the last 16 years trying to make us have a friendship, I didn't want us to turn out like this! I didn't want us to die like this, because you know we both die in the end." I spoke with my hands flying to and from my chest, signifying I was tired of this.

"Do it, Shannon. Please, just do it!" She pleaded, making me sigh out in astonishment.

I pulled my wand out, shaking in fear. Pointing it at her, I see her smile with her eyes closed and arms out. "Finis." I whispered, orange light hit her chest as she collapsed.

I walked to her body, moving my hand to close her emerald green eyes that had tears in them, a look of regret shone dully. "I'm so sorry Layne. I'll miss you." I stood up and stepped away from her body and murmured "incendium" to set her body on fire. The spell is Latin for arson or fire, it's used for obviously setting objects afire.

As her ashes blew away with the breeze, the lava seeped away. I was exposed to my school once more, everything seeming the same. The day went on normally and people didn't realize Layne was missing.

Maybe this is part of a time warp death, I thought, it made sense. I didn't mention her during the rest of the day.

When I finally was getting ready for bed I heard a breezy voice say 'thank you'. I felt weight get lifted from my shoulders as I climbed into bed, instantly falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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