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"You two are too cute!" I hear a girl squeal.
"Kat they are sleeping." I hear another girl say.
"Just look at them! Too cute!" I hear the girl named Kat say.
Wait Kat like Sam's Kat. I open my eyes and see a girl with bright blue hair and a girl with long dark brown hair.
"Kat you woke her up!" The girl with long hair says.
"No I didn't!" Kat says defending herself.
"Umm yeah you did." I say with a little bit of a giggle.
"Omg I'm so sorry you guys are just too cute!" Kat says.
"Sorry I'm Katrina and this is Devyn." She introduces the other girl.
"Hey guys I'm Y/n." I say still half asleep.
"Girl we need to go shopping!" Devyn says.
"Okay." I say looking over.
I then realize that Colby's arm is wrapped around my waist and his face is hidden is my hair. I try to get out of his grasp but he is holding on tight. Almost like his grasp is getting tighter each time I try to get away. Kat tries to help me and so does Devyn.
"Colby release!" Kat yells and all of a sudden I'm flying across the room.
I fall on the floor and probably leave a bruise. It kinda hurt.
"Ouch!" I say looking over at Colby.
He laughing so hard. He must have been awake that whole time.

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