Chapter 16

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My body is weak and I feel light headed. Is this what happened when you're facing death? My only regret is I'm unable to say my goodbye.

My family, Riley, Carol, Krystal and the others who have helped me to reach where I am today. I haven't even thanked them yet.

After waiting for quite some time, the pain never come. What happened? I thought.

I open my eyes and I can see a large black wolf standing on top of the unconscious rogue's leader. I took a long sniff and realise that it's Riley.


I jump on him and hug him around the neck.

"Thank you thank you thank you."

I start sobbing, thankful for the fact that I'm still alive and breathing. My feet is still like a jello and I fall once again on my knee.

He lick my face drying my tears. I continue to pat him. Realising that the battle haven't ended, I continue to look for my sword.

Riley have shift into his werewolf form. Which means that after this battle, we have to go immediately.

His cover have been blown and it will be dangerous for us to stay here any longer. Especially Grace, I can confirm now that the rogues are after the princess.

I mind-link Riley about this and he agree with my decision. The sooner we leave the better. I found my sword lying behind a thick bush.

I head straight back to the battle field while Riley is heading towards the pack's dungeon with that rogue.

It's an utter chaos. Dead bodies lying everywhere and I could some pack members are heavily injured.

Those who are unable to fight are bring back towards the pack house to be treated by their pack doctors. I re-enter the battlefield and assisting the pack members.

Around thirty minutes later, the fight ended and some rogues flee for their lives. We suffered losses but Claude announce that no one lose their life.

But some are in a critical danger and their life is on a thread. Caesar ordered everyone to make sure that every rogues is dead.

Members who are still healthy are ordered to check the borders for any surviving rogues and to finish them.

While some are tasked with carrying injured pack members back. I stay back at the field and assist other members to check if there's anyone who still need treatment.

Within a few minutes of checking, I feel pain in my lower abdomen. It hurts so bad that it make me crawl on the ground.

Then I come to realise. My heat. The heat is a process that every she wolf have after they found their mate.

No one knows why it happened but mostly because the moon goddess wanted to make sure that the werewolf kind wouldn't extinct.

"Fuck! This is bad, this is really really bad." I speak to Sierra.

Not hearing her reply as she is in the same pain as I do. What should I do, this is really bad. The pain is overwhelming and I start to feel nauseous.

It quickly went from bad to worse as I start to see the lusty stare from those unmated male wolves. Oh shit! Shit! Shit! I need to get out of here.

I feel Riley presence near me and I can hear him speak to me. But because of the pain I can barely hear him.

"LEAVE! TAKE GRACE AND LEAVE! HURRY!" I order him. He reply but I can't hear what he's saying.

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