𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 1

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School year is already starting, Jungwon's mother was very worried because her son really wants to study in Seoul National University, which was one of the best universities in Korea. But she couldn't afford the tuition payments

The mother is now very very worried, because he wanted to surprise his son. Now she worked extra hard so that his son would be very happy. After many works, his mom was very exhausted.

"Mom? Are you okay?" The boy asked worriedly

"It's okay my son, I am okay. You should go rest now school is just in a few weeks" Her mother replied smiling

Jungwon hugs his mother but he doesn't know why her mother is working extra hard. The boy found it weird and confusing

After a few days, her mother ran to Jungwon's room

"Son, Son! Where are you?" Her mother said excitedly

"Yes mom?" Said the boy who just woken up still feeling sleepy

"Your Father and I, decided and worked hard for you" Her mother said while stroking the boys hair

Jungwon was still confused of what's happening and doesn't know what to reply to her

"You will be going to Seoul National University" As soon as Jungwon heard this, he felt so happy and at the same time sad

"Now you should get ready, school is just in a few days. I'm so excited for you son! Make us proud" her mother exclaimed from happiness

Meanwhile Jungwon kept hugging his mother because he was so happy

"But mom, you shouldn't have worked so hard for me, it's okay for me to go Yonsei University" he said hugging his mom while crying

"No son, we only want the best for you. Plus you did really well in your lower years so this is just a small gift from me and your father" her mother replied stroking his sons hair

Jungwon was still crying from happiness because he didn't expect her mother to worked so hard for him. And as a return, Jungwon worked hard to payback his parents and not let them down

The Next Day

His mother surprised Jungwon with a new pair of school shoes and a brand new bag

"Oh mom, until when will you stop surprising me" Jungwon said chuckling and immediately hugged her mother

"Son, we worked so hard for this so go and make us proud" his mother kissed him on the cheeks

"Oh and honey, can you help me run some errands?" Her mother asked

"Sure mom" Jungwon replied happily

The boy was in the middle of working when he saw a boy passing by, he was tall and handsome. He was star strucked. He kept looking at the boy who was riding his bike

"Get out of the way!" The boy shouted

But Jungwon wasn't paying attention, he was only paying attention to the boys face. And then he regretted everything in a blink, he was hit by the bike and was thrown to the air

"Are you okay? Hello?" The boy asked Jungwon who was laying on the road

Jungwon waked up to him being shaken up by the boy who hit him. As soon as he wakes up he saw his gorgeous almost perfect face

"Ugh, ouch" Jungwon groaned

"Hello? A-are you o-okay?" The boy still worried

"I-im okay" Jungwon replied

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