𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 2

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Jungwon was in deep sleep because he was very exhausted, Sunoo who was the first one up went to the bathroom to shower meanwhile Jungwon who is still sleeping comfortably was not showing any signs to wake up

Sunoo was done showering and as soon as he went of the bathroom he still saw Jungwon sleeping

"Mr. Jungwon-ssi, it's already 8 and your still not up" Sunoo frustratingly said to him while slapping his face

"W-what? H-huh? Wh-where am I?" Jungwon who just woken up was still feeling sleepy but as soon as Jungwon grabbed his phone and showed him the time Jungwon was in panic

"Yahhhhh! Why didn't you wake me up" Jungwon who was frustrated by Sunoo's action stood up and immediately went to bathroom

He was in a rush so it took him about 3 minutes to take a shower. As soon as he got out he ate his breakfast and changed his clothes

"Mr. Jungwon-ssi, I'm going first I'll meet you at class" Sunoo said waving goodbye

Jungwon was in panic and the room was in chaos, he was all over the place but luckily he was ready to go to school. He got out of the room and saw the boy who hit him. The boy glanced at him, Jungwon was blushing and shy

"Hey Jay! Wait for me" His friend shouted

So Jay is his name he said to his head

Jungwon was there, just standing.

"Hey!" Jay shouted

"H-huh? What?" Jungwon waked up from his day dreaming

Jay approached the younger. But as Jay was approaching him, Jungwon felt shy and blushed a little since his crush is walking towards him. It felt like a dream.

"Don't you have any classes?" Jay asked Jungwon

"U-uhm, y-yes" Jungwon replied stuttering

"Well, what you waiting for I'll take you to class, btw wants your name?" Jay asked him

"J-jungwon, Y-yang Jungwon" he replied stuttering which Jay finds cute.

They were both walking to their class and Jungwon was late. He saw his classroom and waved goodbye to Jay. Sunoo saw what happened outside and grinned

"Mr. Jungwon, why are you late?" The teacher yelled at him

"Sorry Teacher, i-i was very busy a-and" he was cut off by a man entering the room

"S-sorry Teacher, me and my friends invited Jungwon to go to the rooftop because Jungwon wanted to go" He was cut off by Jay who came in the room and saw Jungwon standing infront of the class being scolded by the teacher so Jay decided to defend him

"Y-you should punish me Teacher, not him" Jay smirked at Jungwon and Jungwon who doesn't know what to do just stand there

"Hmmm, okay but next time don't be late, go back to your seat Mr. Jungwon and you too Mr. Park go back to your class" The teacher said

Jungwon went back to his seat while the teacher was continuing her discussion. Sunoo sneakingly hand him a note

"Spill the tea to me after class"

He gave me the letter and I was confused of what he meant by 'spill the tea'. Jungwon thought there was no tea to spill

He just looked out the window and saw Jay and his friends laughing and talking, looks like they're having fun

"Mr. Jungwon are you listening?" The teacher shouted

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